Who is called Shia?

Short Answer:Shia” literally means follower and helper and the term refers to those who believe that according to the hadiths narrated from the Proph“et of Islam (PBUH), Imam Ali (A.S) is his immediate successor. The application of the word “Shia” to the friends and followers of Imam Ali (AS) was first made by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and a few of his companions in his time were known as “the Shia of Ali (AS)”; Like Salman (RA), Abu Dharr (RA), Ammar and Miqdad (AS).

Today, there are various groups called “Shias” in the Islamic world, the most populous and active of which are the Twelver Shia. In the next ranks are Ismaili and Zaidi Shias. Shias beliefs, although have much in common with other Muslims, also have specific components. Some of the specific beliefs of the Twelver Shias are: Imamate and Mahdism.

Who is called Shia?

Who is called Shia?

“Shia” literally means follower and helper and the term refers to those who believe that according to the Hadiths narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), Imam Ali (AS) is his immediate successor. Accordingly, they believe that the issue of succession is a matter for God and the Prophet (PBUH), and only they have the opportunity to comment on it.

According to religious and historical texts, the application of the word “Shia” to the friends and followers of Imam Ali (AS) was first made by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This matter has been mentioned in several hadiths narrated from him. As Jalaladin Suyuti narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari and Ibn Abbas that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the interpretation of the verse “Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creatures,” referred to Imam Ali (AS) and said: “Ali and his Shia will be successful on the Day of Judgement.”

In some historical texts, it is stated that a small number of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) in his time were known as “the Shia of Ali”. These people were: Salman (RA), Abu Dharr (RA), Ammar (RA) and Miqdad (RA). Currently, there are various groups called “Shia” in the Islamic world, the most populous and active of which are the Twelver Shias (the followers of twelve purified Imams (A.S) from the progeny of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In the next ranks are Ismaili and Zaidi Shias.

Specific beliefs of the Twelver Shias

Accordingly, Shia Muslims have beliefs and teachings that, although they have much in common with other Muslims, but also have specific components. Some of the specific beliefs of the Twelver Shias are as follows:

1. Imamate: The Imam is the legal and appointed successor of the Prophet (PBUH), who is responsible for governing and interpreting religious teachings after him, and since the interpretation of religion must be free from any mistake, the Imam (AS) must be infallible; That is, he has a divine power that protects him from sin and error.
2. Mahdism: Although all Islamic groups believe in Mahdism, this doctrine is very common among Shias. According to the Twelver Shias, the twelfth Imam is Imam Mahdi (AJ) who is now alive but is disappeared and ordinary people do not have access to him. He will reappear at a time when God will determine it and will fill the world full of oppression and injustice with justice.


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