Hadrat Al Abbas (s) King of Realm of Loyalty

Hadrat Al Abbas (s) King of Realm of Loyalty

The man was none other than Qambar, the faithful servant of the Imam. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Qambar said: My master! I am coming from your house now and God Almighty has blessed with another son.

Happiness could be seen in the Imam’s eyes. He smiled and said this child has a high status before God. I will come home now. I will name this son Abbas like my Uncle. That day was the fourth of Sha’ban in the year 26 AH.

Hadrat Abul Fazl Al-Abbas (a.s.) was a towering and handsome personality. His dauntless courage, supreme confidence and unflinching loyalty earned him many titles. He was called, “Qamar-e-Bani Hashim” (Moon of the Hashimites), because of his imposing appearance. His remarkable horsemanship made him “Sayed-ul-Forosan” (the chief of horsemen). His ability to lead people resulted in his being called “Rais-ul-Shujan” (the leader of the valiant), and the manner in which he sacrificed his life earned him the title of Afzal-ul-Shohada” (the choicest of the martyrs) and “Saqqa” (water carrier), because he sacrificed his life in an effort to procure water for Imam Hussain`s children in the tragic battle of Kerbala. He fully lived up to his name Abbas, which in Arabic stands for Lion.

Since his youth, Hadrat Abbas (a.s.) showed signs of bravery and courage alongside his father Imam Ali (a.s.). During the Siffeen war against the rebel governor of Syria Mua’wiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, when the enemies blocked water to camp of the Muslims, Abbas ibn-e-Ali (a.s.) who was in his early teens entered the battlefield with a veil on his face to hid his true identity. Mua’wiyah ordered one of his powerful men Abu Shasa to confront him. The Syrian arrogantly said: People compare my bravery to a thousand riders, now you want me to fight this young boy? Abu Shasa sent his youngest son to confront him. But his son was soon defeated and killed. Abu Shasa then sent his other son, but to his surprise, he was also killed. Then Abu Shasa fuming with rage swallowed his proud words and personally entered the battlefield seeking to avenge the death in combat of his sons. But the boy was such valiant that he defeated him and made swift work of the infidel. At this sight, the Muslim army rejoiced and felt surprised at the bravery of the young masked lad. Imam Ali (a.s.) called the youth and took the mask off his face. Then everyone saw that the brave youth was no one but Abbas ibn-e-Ali (a.s.).

The height of the greatness of the personality of King of Kingdom of Loyalty Hadrat Al-Abbas ibn Ali (a.s.) reached its peak in Kerbala.

Out of all the things he is known for, including his bravery, self-sacrifice, devotion to Islam and to the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), patience and other traits, 12th Imam from the progeny of holy Prophet Muhammad (s.w.) Al-Imam Sahib Al-Asr (Imam of Era) has summarized it beautifully when he spoke the following words about Abbas ibne Ali (a.s.):

“My greetings upon Abul Fadhl al-Abbas, son of Amirul Momineen, He preferred his brother to himself; supplied himself with (opportunities of) today for (the rewards of) tomorrow; sacrificed himself for his brother; protected him; hurried for fetching him water and as a result, his two hands were cut off…”

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