The Noble virtues of Imam Sajjad (A.S)

The Noble virtues of Imam Sajjad (A.S)


Ali Ibn Hussain (A.S) was the best and most virtuous of the people of his time. All the noble virtues and gifts which Allah created to distinguish man were found in the character of Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin, peace be on him. No one matched him in his inclinations and his psychological qualities such as sublime manners, high moral standards, and adherence to religion. When someone reads his noble behavior, he bows down in respect and admiration for him. Now, we will talk briefly about some of his qualities:


Ali ibn Hussain (A.S) was riding his horse when he passed a group of lepers who were eating food. They invited Imam Sajjad (A.S) to eat with them. Imam (A.S) said: “I am fasting, otherwise I accepted your invitation.” When Imam (A.S) reached home, he ordered to prepare a portion of good food for the lepers. Then he invited them to his home and they ate together.


One of the companions of Imam Sajjad (A.S) has narrated that a relative of Imam (A.S) insulted and misnamed him in the presence of some of the companions. Imam Sajjad (A.S), however, did not answer him. After a while, Imam (A.S) told his companions: “You heard the insult of this man. Now I want to go and answer him. Come with me if you want.” The companions accompanied Imam Sajjad (A.S) to the insulter man’s house and heard Imam (A.S) reciting this Quranic verse,

“Those who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men; for God loves those who do good.”

When they arrived at the house of that man, he came out angrily and offensively, since he thought Ali ibn Hussain (A.S)  had come to treat him as he had done. Then Imam Sajjad (A.S) told him,

“O brother! You said some words about me. If what you said is true, I repent, but if it is false, May Allah (SWT) forgive your sins.”

The man regretted his speech, kissed the forehead of Imam (A.S), and said: “I said things which are not true about you.”


Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin, peace be on him, was the greatest of all the people clemency and the best of them in restraining anger.


Among the psychological qualities of Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin, peace be on him was patience during ordeals and tribulations. It is certain that no one in this world has been afflicted by such ordeals and tribulations as this great Imam was afflicted by them; he was liable to events and misfortunes from the beginning of his life to his death, for he suffered the loss of his mother when he was in the first stage of his childhood, so he did not feel her pure affection and kindness. He witnessed in his bloom of youth the sorrow of his family because of the loss of his grandfather Imam ‘Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, whom Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljim killed.

He witnessed those days when his uncle, the pure Imam, al-Hasan, peace be on him, was forced to make peace with Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan, the Umayyad ruler of Syria. It is worth mentioning that Muawiya brought disgrace to the Arab and Islamic world because of his pre-Islamic inclinations and his malice against Islam and Muslims. When he took the reins of authority, he used all the organs of his government to erase Islam from the map of existence and took the severest measures against the members of the House (Ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. For example, he ordered the people to curse them on the pulpits and the minarets (of the mosques), meanwhile, he ordered their followers to be killed everywhere.

When Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin (A.S), became a young man, he suffered the loss of his uncle Imam al-Hasan, the plant of sweet basil of Allah’s Apostle, may Allah (SWT) bless him and his family, whom the Kasra of the Arabs (i.e., Muawiya ibn Hind) killed with poison. This event saddened the Imam and the Prophet’s (PBUH) Household very much. Patient in the face of ordeals and tribulations was among the psychological qualities of the Imam (A.S). It was reported on his authority that he said: “Patience is the source of obedience to Allah”.

Glory and Self-esteem

Among the qualities of Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin, peace be on him, was glory and self-esteem. He inherited these qualities from his father, the Lord of martyrs, peace be on him, who walked toward death with longing and desire for his glory and self-esteem.


Among his psychological qualities were bravery and courage; he was the bravest of all the people, for he was the son of al-Hussain, who was the most courageous of all the children of Adam. An example of his outstanding bravery was when he was taken prisoner and taken to the tyrannical governor, Ubayd Allah ibn Marjana, the latter received him with words of glee at his misfortune. So the Imam answered him with burning words whose effect on him was stronger than the clashing of swords and the lashing of whips.

Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin, peace be on him, paid no attention to Ubaydullah’s power and invincibility, so ibn Marjana (i.e., Ubaydullah) became so angry that he ordered the Imam to be killed. However, the Imam (AS) was not afraid of death, rather he said to him calmly:

“Martyrdom is a custom for us, and our miracle from Allah (SWT) is martyrdom.”

His Unselfish Nature

Among his prominent qualities was his lack of all kinds of selfishness which had no power over him. The historians mentioned many examples of his lack of selfishness. Such as when he wanted to travel to a certain place, he traveled with people who did not know him, so that he would serve them and rather than they serve him. One day he traveled with some people who did not know him, but one of them looked at him and recognized him and shouted at the people, asking: “Woe unto you! Do you know that man?”

“No, we don’t,” answered the people.

“That is ‘Ali ibn Hussain (A.S),” explained the man.

The people hurried toward the Imam and began kissing his hands and feet, asking: “Do you want Allah to make us enter the fire of Hell? What made you do that?” The Imam answered gently: “I traveled with some people who knew me and they, because of Allah’s Apostle, rendered services for me which I was unworthy of. I was afraid that you would render me the same services, so I preferred concealing my affair to making it public.

Kindness to People

Another quality of Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin (A.S), was a kindness to people; his holy heart overflowed with mercy and kindness toward them. The historians said: “When he knew that someone was in debt and loved him, he paid his debt.


As for generosity, it was among the qualities of Imam Zayn-ul-Abidin (A.S). The historians unanimously agreed that the Imam was the most generous of all the people and the kindest of them to the poor and the weak. They mentioned many examples of his generosity.


– Imam Ali ibn Al Husayn (A.S), Sheikh Al-Mufid

-Story of the Holy Ka’aba And its People, S.M.R. Shabbar

-The Life of Imam Zayn-ul-‘Abidin, Baqir Sharif Al-Qurashi

– Imamate and The Imams, Ibrahim Amini

– Brief History of Fourteen Infallibles, World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS)

-The Life of Imam Zayn-ul-‘Abidin (AS), Baqir Sharif Al-Qurashi

Imam Sajjad (A.S.)ModestyPatienceRemissionShia Studie's World Assembly
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