What did Imam Hussain (AS) say about seeking the truth and justice?

What did Imam Hussain (AS) say about seeking the truth and justice?

It was not more than fifty years after the passing away of the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) that some painful incidents happened within the Islamic Ummah (nation). The appearance of groups for fabricating Ahadith (narrations), formation of deviant groups such as ‘Mor’ja’eh’, and the revival of tribal values and biases, and tribal boasting and making fun of other tribes, as well as what Bani Umayyad forced on the society in the name of Islam were all clear examples which showed that the spirit of seeking the truth had been faded in Islamic society. Imam Hussain (AS) said: As you can see this situation has happened to us. Seriously, the situation of the time has changed, ugliness has unfolded and goodness and virtues have gone away from our environment (surrounding). The people are living in undignified situation and life has become difficult. The people are the slaves of the world and the religion is the shaking of their tongues. They support the religion as long as they are having comfortable lives, and when they are tested, there are few religious ones [1].

[1] Sokhanan-e-Hussain ibn Ali (AS) az Medina ta Karbala, Page 180.

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)Imam Hussain (a.s.)KarbalashaistudiesShia Studie's World Assembly
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