It is recommended to be recited during each night of the month of the holy month of Ramadan.
Reciting prayers and supplications creates one of the best spiritual states for people and by expressing one’s need to the Creator, it elevates one spiritually.
Every act of worship has special conditions and manners without which it won’t have the desired effect. Having a firm intention to abandon sins, purifying the heart, eating halal food and promotion of virtue and prevention of vice are among the conditions needed for Dua. The manners of Dua also include starting the Dua with the name of God and enumerating His attributes, reciting Salawat, and asking the Awliya Allah (Saints of God) to intercede for us (on the Day of Judgment).
Among the manners of Dua is also choosing the right time and place for it. Ramadan is the best time for Dua and given the contents of the Iftitah Supplication, it has been recommended to be recited on the nights of Ramadan.
This Dua begins like this: “O Allah, I begin the glorification of You with praising You.”
Thus we say that we begin or open praising Allah by remembering all the great qualities that He possesses.
Then we read in the early parts of the Dua: “All praise be to Allah Who secures the frightened ones, comes to the help of the upright ones.”
We also read: “(You) give answer to our prayers, respond to our requests, make us attain our hopes in this world as well as the world to come, and grant us beyond our wishes. O Most Favorable of all those whom may be besought.”
The first part of this Dua is about theology and expresses attributes that highlight the greatness of God.
The second part of the Dua portrays part of greatness of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his pure Household (AS) and stresses their sublime status and their virtues.
The third part is about Imam Mahdi (AS) and praying for his reappearance and wishing for establishment of the government of the truth and justice on earth.
We read in this Dua: “O Allah, we complain to You about the departure of our Prophet, Your blessings be on him and on his Household, the absence of our leader, the big numbers of our enemies, the few number of us, widespread disorder, and vicissitudes of time against us.”