Good actions in it (Laylatul Qadr), like prayer and charity and (other) types of goodness, are better than deeds of a thousands months in which there is no Laylatul Qadr. If Allah (SWT) would not multiply the rewards of believers like this, they would not be able to reach (salvation), but Allah multiplies for them the reward for good deeds.
The Month of Ramadhan has been singled out for special worship (Ibadat) and exclusive favors. It is a month unlike other months. One reason for this, as defined by the Quran, is because the Holy Quran was revealed in this month. Says Allah (SWT) in Surah Al-Baqarah:
THE QURAN (2: 185)
In fact, according to a Hadith from the 6th Imam (AS), the other holy books were also revealed in this month. Among the nights of Ramadhan is one special night, which is better than a thousand months (Quran, 97: 3). Good deeds performed on that single night are equal to those performed over a thousand months. It is the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr), when the Quran was revealed. Some commentators believe it was the night when the Quran was brought down from Baytul Mamur (Heavenly Abode), for Jibraeel to reveal in parts to the Prophet (PBUH). Others say it was the night when the Prophet (PBUH) received the entire Quran, but was asked to transmit it as and when the occasion demanded.
Laylatul Qadr is a celebration to commemorate the arrival of the final guidance for humans. It is a tribute to the commencement of the message revealed to mankind by their Creator, a message which shows them the way to achieve happiness in both the worlds. Just as the arrival of a child is celebrated, on its birth and then every year, as a bringer of joy and fulfillment for the family. Laylatul Qadr is celebrated as a bringer of light and guidance for mankind. Unlike the birthday which is celebrated with a feast for the senses. Laylatul Qadr includes a feast for the spirit, a feast of worship and prayers.
Some Ahadith indicate that the fate of every believer for the coming year is decreed on this night. That is why the Duas for this night ask for special favors in the decree for the year. Believers are encouraged to stay awake the entire night, and pray for blessings and forgiveness. It is the holiest night of the year, and it would be unwise to be heedless of the tremendous benefits of this night.
Common Aamal for all three nights of Qadr
It is reported in Hadith that whoever keeps awake on the nights of Qadr shall have his/her sins forgiven, even if they equal the number of the stars in the heaven. It is also recommended to recite hundred Rakaat (i.e. 50 prayers of 2 rakaat each) on these nights. The practice of performing Qadha prayers on these nights has no origin in the books of Hadith. However, it is emphasized to fulfill the Qadha prayers as soon as it is possible, and some believers use this opportunity to perform Qadha prayers of six days, (6×17=102 Rakaats).
On all three nights of Laylatul Qadr, i.e. the 19th, 21st, and 23rd of Ramadhan, the following acts are recommended:
a.) Ghusl before sunset.
b.) Two Rakaats prayer; in each Rakah after Surah Al-Hamd recite Sura Al-Ikhlas 7 times.
c.) After the prayer say 70 times: “Astaghfirullaaha wa-Atoobu Ilayh”
I seek forgiveness of Allah (SWT), and I turn (repentant) to God.
d.) Recite the following Duas.
Open the Quran and say:
In the name of Allah (SWT) the Beneficent the Merciful.
Allah (SWT) bless Muhammad (PBUH) and the family of Muhammad (PBUH).
Allah (SWT) I ask You, for the sake of Your revealed Book,
and what is in it, and in it is Your greatest name,
and (all) Your beautiful names,
and what is feared and hoped for,
make me among those whom You have saved from the fire.
Place the Quran on the head and say:
Allah (SWT),
for the sake of this Quran,
for the sake of the one God sent with it,
for the sake of every believer God has praised in it,
and for the sake of God’s right over them,
for none is more aware of God’s Right over them than God.
Repeat each of the following ten times.
For God’s sake, O Allah (SWT),
for the sake of Muhammad (PBUH),
for the sake of Ali (A.S),
for the sake of Fatimah (S.A),
for the sake of Hassan (A.S),
for the sake of Hussain (A.S),
for the sake of Ali bin (son of) Hussain (A.S),
for the sake of Muhammad bin Ali (A.S),
for the sake of Jafar bin Muhammad (A.S),
for the sake of Musa bin Jafar (A.S),
for the sake of Ali bin Musa (A.S),
for the sake of Muhammad bin Ali (A.S)
for the sake of Ali bin Muhammad (A.S),
for the sake of Hasan bin Ali (A.S),
for the sake of Al Hujjat (the proof) (AJ).
According to Hadith, Laylatul Qadr is either on the 19th, 21st or 23rd night of Ramadhan. More emphasis is laid on the 21st and the 23rd, particularly the 23rd.
The A`maal for this night are:
1. The common A`maal for the three nights of Qadr, including:
a) Ghusl.
b) Prayer and Tasbih.
c) Duas nos. 14 for Laylatul Qadr.
d) Ziyarat of Imam Hussain (A.S)
2. Say 100 times:
Astaghfirullaaha Rabbee Waatoobu Ilayh
استغفر الله ربي وأتوب إليه
I seek forgiveness of Allah, and I turn (repentant) to Him.
3. Say 100 times:
Allahumma il`an Qatalata ameeril mu’mineen
اللهم العن قتلة أمير المؤمين
O’ Allah (SWT), curse the ones who killed Ameerul Mu’mineen.
4. Munajat of Imam Ali (A.S)
5. Dua of Jawshane Kabeer is also recommended on this night.
According to Hadith, Laylatul Qadr is either on the 19th, 21st or 23rd night of Ramadhan. More emphasis is laid on the 21st and the 23rd, particularly on the 23rd.
The A`maal for this night are:
1. The common A`maal for the three nights of Qadr, including:
a) Ghusl.
b) Namaz and Tasbih.
c) Duas nos. 14 for Laylatul Qadr.
d) Ziyarat of Imam Hussain (A.S)
2. From this night onwards, the Dua for the last ten nights is recited every night. Also, there is a special Dua for each of the last ten nights.
3. Ziyarat of Ameenullah.
4. Munajat of Imam Ali (A.S)
5. Dua of Jawshane Kabeer is recommended on this night.
* On this night many people recite Dua no.3 and the two Tasbihs mentioned on the 19th. However, Mafatihul Jinan does not include this as part of the A`maal for the 21st night.
According to Hadith, Laylatul Qadr is either on the 19th, 21st or 23rd night of Ramadhan. More emphasis is laid on the 21st and the 23rd, particularly the 23rd.
The A`maals for this night are:
1. The common A`maals for the three nights of Qadr, including:
a) Ghusl.
b) Prayer and Tasbih.
c) Duas nos. 14 for Laylatul Qadr.
d) Ziyarat of Imam Hussain (A.S)
2. Recite surahs Ankabut (#29), Rum (#30) and Dukhan (#44).
3. Recite 1000 times (or as many times possible) Surah al-Qadr.
4. Dua for the twelfth Imam.
5. Dua At-Tawbah.
6. Dua Makarimul Akhlaq.
7. Munajat of Imam Ali (A.S)
8. Dua of Jawshan Al-Kabeer is recommended on this night.