Islam has divided sins into two categories: Major and minor sins, and has set specific rules for each.
This division originates from the Qur’an and hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad and Ahl al-Bayt infallible household; and successors).
In the language of the Qur’an and hadiths, sin is mentioned with different words, each of which reveals some of the evil effects of sin and indicates the variety of sin.
While every sin is seen as an offense to Allah, the al-Kaba’ir are the gravest of the offenses.
Scholars differ as to how many major sins there are. Different hadith list three, seven, 40 and 70 major sins.
Some major sins in Islam include:
01. Associating anything with ALLAH (Shirk)
02. Despair of God’s mercy
03. Murder
04. Not Praying
05. Not paying Zakat
06. Disrespect to parents
07. Abandoning relatives
Repentance in Islam
Allah has allowed humans who commit sin to ask for forgiveness and repentance.
According to the verses of the Holy Quran, Allah loves and forgives those who succeed in true repentance, and turns the ugliness of their sins into good deeds.