Pledging to Obey God

A question that is sometimes raised about man’s relation with God is whether it is ok to obey God’s commandments because one has been forced to and not out of belief.
Pledging to Obey God


Prophet Moses (AS) made a lot of efforts to guide his people and save them from divine punishment. The people, however, were not serious in obeying the messenger of God and carrying out their religious obligations. They would even disobeyed what Moses (AS) told them to do.

When he sought a pledge from his people to act upon the commandants of the Torah, they refused to obey the prophet and give a pledge. The Quran says in this regard:

“And when We made a covenant with you and raised the Mount above you, (saying) ‘Take what We have given you forcefully and remember what is in it, so that you will be cautious.’” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 63)

The great Muslim scholar and interpreter of the Quran Sheikh Tabarsi (1073-1153) says about this verse: “When Moses (AS) returned from Mount Sinai and brought the Torah with him, he told his people that he has brought religious edicts and the divine commandments, calling on the people to act upon them.

However, his people refused to obey the commands under the pretext that it causes them difficulties and problems. God ordered the angels to raise a big part of the mountain over the heads. Then Moses (AS) told them that if they pledge to obey God’s commands and repent their mutiny and disobedience, their punishment would be cancelled, otherwise, all of them would be killed.

They accepted the Torah and prostrated and after their repentance, the divine punishment was cancelled.”

Some may ask what point is in a pledge that has been taken by force. The answer is that there is nothing wrong in making disobedient and rebellious people to give up their disobedience and accept the truth. It is true that this compulsion and threat have temporary outcome but they at least make such people think twice about their conduct and change their behavior.

In any case, this pledge is about practical aspects and one’s beliefs do not change by force and compulsion.


Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)EthicsImam 'AliIslamQuranShia Imams
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