Anger Management among Characteristics of True Believers

Getting angry is what happens to all people but in some individuals it gets out of control. This could create various problems, including making them take the wrong decision.



None of the feelings and emotions in mankind is useless. For example anger and kindness are both necessary and each has its own function. Referring to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions in verse 29 of Surah Al-Fath, God describes them like this: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Those who are with him are harsh against the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” So anger and kindness each have a function and should be used in their own place.

If we study the Seerah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), we see that in addition to his extensive mercy and kindness, he also had anger when necessary. It is of course important to note that the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) anger was also used in such a way that would bring God’s contentment.

The anger that originates in Nafs (one’s self) should be contained. This is one of the characteristics of the Mutaqeen (pious ones, the God-fearing). They control their anger and do not use it when they shouldn’t. They use it when necessary, for example when witness an injustice or an oppression. This is a holy anger.

One of God’s recommendations to His selected believers is to harness their anger. That is to say, one must curb and manage his anger even if it is intense. This is a characteristic of the pious and, according to God’s promise, makes one worthy of divine mercy and forgiveness.

God says in verses 133 and 134 of Surah Al Imran: “Hasten to obtain forgiveness from your Lord and to qualify yourselves for Paradise. Paradise, vast as the heavens and the earth, is prepared for the pious who spend their property for the cause of God in prosperity as well as in adversity and who also harness their anger and forgive the people. God loves the righteous ones.”

It is also reasonable based on science and based on wisdom to control anger. One usually makes wrong decisions when he is angry. When in rage, it is probable that the most destructive decisions are made and their consequences make one regret having made those decisions. But there is often no way to undo them.


Ahlul BaytHoly ProphetImam 'AliIslamJurisprudenceQuran
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