Ayatollah Khamenei Condoles Martyrdom of Iranian Sunni Cleric

 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei offered condolences on the martyrdom of a Sunni cleric in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan.



Molavi Abdulvahed Rigi was kidnapped on December 9 and his body was found on the roadside a day later.

He was the Friday prayer leader and also a seminary teacher in the city of Khash in Sistan and Baluchestan.

Molavi Abdulvahed Rigi was seen as a symbol of unity between Shia and Sunni Muslims in the province.

On Tuesday, Iran’s Intelligence Ministry said that its forces have arrested three terrorists involved in the killing of the cleric.

In a message on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei described the Sunni figure as a brave and benevolent scholar and expressed sorrow over his martyrdom.

The Leader stressed the need for related official to seriously pursue the case and promptly brining the perpetrators of the crime to justice.

Ayatollah Khamenei also expressed condolences to the family of the martyr and all the people of Sistan and Baluchestan Province, especially the people of Khash, praying for divine mercy for all.

source: iqna

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