To which Party do you Belong

To which Party do you Belong?

Since Satan rebelled against the divine commands, the world was divided into two parties: Allah’s Party and Satan’s Party.

As for Allah’s party, they are those following the path of God’s authority, His Messenger, and his family (peace be upon them), holding firmly to their approach and school, the school of nearness to Allah Almighty, adherence to obedience, and the fulfillment of divine duties. Allah is pleased with them, as He said: “Allah is well-pleased with them, and they are well-pleased with Him; they are Allah’s party; most surely Allah’s party are the successful ones.”

Allah’s party are those mentioned in the Quran and who were promised victory and success in both this world and the hereafter. Allah says: “Whoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and the believers as protectors, then surely Allah’s party will be victorious.”

As for Satan’s party, they are the miserable, the losers, the sinful, and those lost in the darkness of this world and its fleeting pleasures. Allah says: “Surely Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his party to become inhabitants of the Blaze.”

The party of Satan are those of whom Allah says: “Satan has gained mastery over them and caused them to forget Allah’s remembrance. They are the party of Satan. Surely, the party of Satan is the loser.”

Have we ever asked ourselves which of these two parties we belong to?

Do we belong to Allah’s party or to Satan’s party?

If we seek a decisive and clear answer, we must return to the pure source and the authentic thought of Muhammad and his family of Muhammad (peace be upon them), to understand where we are from, where we are now, and where we are heading.

Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said: “Whoever wishes to board the Ark of Salvation, to hold fast to the Firm Handle, and to cling to the Strong Rope of Allah, should be loyal to Ali after me, oppose his enemies, and follow the guiding Imams from his progeny. They are my successors and trustees… their party is my party, and my party is Allah’s party, and the party of their enemies is the party of Satan.”

The Prophet’s successor, Al Imam Ali a.s), said: “Would you like to be among Allah’s victorious party? Fear Allah and be excellent in all matters, for Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good.”

He (a.s) also said: “Hold fast to the rope of Allah and His handle. Be among the party of Allah and His Messenger. Uphold Allah’s covenant and oath upon you, for Islam began as a stranger and will return as a stranger.”

He (pbuh) said: “Blessed is the soul that fulfilled its duty to its God… among people who kept their eyes awake out of fear for their reckoning, whose sides withdrew from their beds, whose lips whispered the remembrance of their Lord, and whose sins were wiped away through their lengthy seeking of forgiveness. These are Allah’s party; indeed, the party of Allah is the successful one.”

Allah’s Messenger (pbuh), in reference to a man’s effort and energy, when his companions said of him, “If only this was in the way of Allah,” said: “If he went out to work for his young children, then he is in the way of Allah. If he went out to work for his elderly parents, then he is in the way of Allah. If he went out to work for himself to remain chaste, then he is in the way of Allah. But if he went out for show and boastfulness, then he is in the way of Satan.”

So when we understand all of this and how to walk in the path of the party of Allah, we simultaneously avoid the path of the party of Satan. Our true identity will then be defined, as Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: “We and our followers are the party of Allah, and the party of Allah is the victorious.”

source: english.almaaref

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