From the verses of the Quran, including Verse 13 of Surah Al-Isra, “We have made every person’s actions cling to his neck. On the Day of Judgment, We will bring forth the record of his actions in the form of a wide open book,” it is inferred that all of our actions are recorded in a book with precision and that if a person is a pious one, his Book of Deeds is given to his right hand and if he is an evil-doer, his Book of Deeds is given to his left hand.
Some Quran interpreters have said that the Book of Deeds is nothing but our soul in which all of our deeds are recorded, because whatever we do affects our soul.
The extensive reference to the Book of Deeds in the verses of the Quran and Hadiths and their emphasis on the fact that all details of our actions, words and intentions are recorded in it, are meant to draw attention to the importance of being careful about what we do and say in this world.
One who knows that a camera is recording everything he does and says in private and in public, and that the recordings will one day be played in a great court of justice, will undoubtedly be careful about his behavior, conduct, and words and a strong Taqwa (God-fearing) will dominate the inside and outside of his existence.
To believe in the existence of a Book of Deeds in which every action, great or small, is recorded, to believe that there are angels who accompany us day and night and whose duty it is to record what we do, and to believe that on the Day of Judgment our Book of Deeds will be opened in front of everyone and all the sins we have committed will be revealed and we will be ashamed in front of our friends and enemies, are amazing preventers of sins.
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Also, knowing that the opening of the Book of Deeds of the good-doers will make them proud and joyful on the Day of Judgment, is a very powerful motivation for doing good deeds.
While belief in this Quranic principle (the existence of the Book of Deeds) could be enough to teach every person the need to do good deeds and avoid sins, sometimes weak faith and one’s own negligence prevent him from paying attention to this fact.
source: iqna