Letter of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) to the Ruler of Ahwaz

Letter of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) to the Ruler of Ahwaz

Letter of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) to the Ruler of Ahwaz: When Najjashi assumed the rulership of Ahwaz there was a person in his service who requested Imam (a.s.) that, “I owe a certain amount to the ruler and he is a Shia, if you feel proper, please write to him regarding this matter.”

Imam (a.s.) wrote: “In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Please your brother so that Allah may please you.” (Usūl al-Kāfi)
The narrator says that when the person went to Najjashi, he was busy in some official matter. When he was free he handed Najjashi the letter saying that it was from Imam (a.s.). He kissed the letter and touched it to his eyes and asked, “What is the matter?” He told him that he owed some taxes. “How much?” Najjashi asked, “Ten thousand Dirhams,” he replied. Najjashi called his accountant and told him to note down his debt as paid and close his account in the register. Then he went further and said that for the following year too this amount of taxes should be marked as paid. Then he turned towards him and asked, “Have I made you happy?”
“Yes!” replied the man.
Then he called for a horse, and a slave brought it. He ordered for a dress and gave to the man. At each step he kept asking, “Have I made you happy? Have I made you happy? The man kept replying “Yes! Yes! May I be sacrificed for you, Yes!” At last he told him to take even the carpet on which he was sitting. Because, he said, “It was on this carpet that you handed me this letter of my Master (a.s.), and if you have any other need, tell me.” The man thanked him profusely, returned to Imam (a.s.) and related the details. The Imam (a.s.) was extremely pleased at the behaviour of Najjashi. The man asked, “O my Master are you pleased with Najjashi’s response?”
Imam (a.s.) replied, “By Allah! Najjashi has also pleased Allah, His Prophet (S) and his Progeny.”
Yaqtīn the father of ‘Ali relates that one of the accountants of Yahya bin Khalid was appointed to collect tax from their area. Yaqtīn says, “At that time I was owing a considerable amount of tax and if all the tax had to be cleared I would have had to sell off all my property. Some people suggested that he was a Shia, but I was too fearful to approach him in case he turned out to be a non-Shia and would force me to part with all my wealth, as I was a follower of ‘Ali (a.s.). So I decided to run away from that place and headed for Mecca. After completing pilgrimage I decided to visit Madinah and presented myself before Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and told him, ‘Such and such person has been appointed as a tax collector but I was too scared to approach him for the fear that he may not be one of your adherents.’ Imam (a.s.) told me that there was no cause for me to worry and he wrote a brief note;
“In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful, there are many people in His shade whose guardians are only those who remove the grief and difficulties of their brothers or give them opportunity or do some good to them even if it is as little as half a dried date and this person is your brother.”
Imam (a.s.) put his seal at the end and handed me the note saying, ‘Give this to him.’ When I returned to my native town and went to his door, I said, ‘I have been sent by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.).’ He came running to the door barefooted. When he saw me, he saluted me and kissed my forehead and asked if his master has sent me. I replied in the affirmative and he said, ‘If this is so, even my life is at your disposal.’ He held my hands and implored me to tell him in what condition Imam (a.s.) was when I had departed. I told him that Imam (a.s.) was well. ‘By Allah? Yes, By Allah?’ he asked this Three times and after that I handed him the hand-written note of Imam (a.s.). He kissed it and touched it to his eyes. Then he asked me what I wanted from him. I told him that I owed several thousand dirhams in taxes and I would spend my whole life in paying them. He called for my file and condoned the taxes payable by me and gave me a receipt. After this he called for his money chest and gave half of the money to me. Then he called for his horses and distributed them equally between us. After this he sent for his clothes and distributed them in the same way. When he had divided all his belongings and given me half he said ‘O Brother! Have I pleased you?’ Yes, I replied, ‘By Allah!’
When it was the time for Hajj I said to myself that I could never repay his kindness except for that which is most liked by Allah (S.w.T.) and His Holy Prophet (S). So I decided to go for Hajj in order that I may pray for him and after Hajj meet Imam (a.s.) and inform him of the kindness and request him also to pray for this noble soul. When I met Imam (a.s.) after Hajj he seemed very pleased and asked, “O Yaqtīn how did that person behave with you?”
When I described his goodness the face of Imam (a.s.) beamed with happiness. I asked whether Imam (a.s.) was pleased with his actions? (so that Allah (S.w.T.) may please the noble man). Imam (a.s.) replied: “By Allah he has pleased my ancestors! By Allah he has pleased Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) and the Holy Prophet (S) and he has pleased the Almighty Allah at the High Heaven.”

The painful moment of death

AhwazImam SadiqLettershiaShia ImamsShia Studie's World Assembly
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