Zekr (Remembering God) is as Virtuous as Dua
Encourage others to “Zekr”
We have already said that Dua keeps away tribulations. Zekr has the same advantages too. Therefore both reason and the Holy Quran encourage us to remember God.
As for reason
Reason requires that every man who enjoys a blessing must thank God. Being thankful is a type of Zekr. Zekr repels probable harms. to repel harms through Zekr can be inferred from the following Hadiths:
Hussein Ibne Zeid has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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621. “The Holy Prophet has said: No people gathered in an assembly in which they neither remembered God nor sent greetings to their prophet unless they regretted it on the Day of Judgment.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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“No people gathered in an assembly in which they, neither remembered God nor us (the household of the Holy Prophet) unless they regretted it on the Day of Judgment.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:
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622. “A believer may die under any condition save by lightning which will not strike him when he is remembering God.”
As for the Holy Quran
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“Say: Allah; then leave them sporting in their vain discourse.” (The Quranic Chapter, Anam, verse 91)
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“And remembering your Lord within yourself humbly and fearing.” (The Quranic Chapter, Araf, verse 205)
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“Therefore remember Me, I will remember you.” (The Quranic Chapter, the Cow, verse 152)
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“O you who believe! Remember Allah, remembering frequently and glorify Him morning and evening.” (The Quranic Chapter, Ahzab, verse 41-42)
As for Traditions
In this relation, there are many Hadiths but due to short space, we will suffice to mention a few of them:
1- Mohammad Ibne Abi Amir has polyquoted the Hesham Ibne Salem and Imam Sadeq (AS):
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623. “God says: If a person instead of invoking Me, is engaged in remembering Me, I will give him the best thing I give to a supplicant.”
2- Haroun Ibne Kharejah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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624. “Sometimes, a man invokes God for the fulfillment of his desire and starts praising God and sending greetings to Muhammad and his progeny to the extent that he forgets the desire itself. Here God fulfills man’s desire without asking any desire.”
3- It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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625. “One whose prayer keeps him from invoking God, God will give him the best thing given to a suppliant.”
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626. “Should anyone among men remember Me, I will remember him among the assembly of angels.”
5- Ibnolghaddah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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627. “Everything has a limit to which it is bound except “Zekr” for which there is no limit. God ordained obligatory prayers and whoever performs them he has observed the limit. If man observes fast during the holy month of Ramadhan, he has observed the limit. If a man has performed Hajj pilgrimage, he has observed his limit but “zekr” is not as such. God is not content with little “Zekr”, for He has not set a limit for it.”
Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) recited verses 41-42 of the Quranic Chapter, Ahzab:
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“O you who believe! Remember Allah, remembering frequently. And glorify Him morning and evening.”
Therefore God has not set a limit for “Zekr”. Then the Imam said:
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“My father was a man of many “Zekr”. When I was walking with him, when I was having meal with him, and when he was speaking with people, he never forget “Zekr”. I personally realized that he was saying “there is no god save Allah” without being heard. He advised us to recite “Zekr” till dawn. He would tell us to recite the Holy Quran if we could and if not to recite “Zekr”.
“A house in which the Holy Quran is recited and God is remembered, has no blessings, angels leave it and satans are present therein.”
The Imam also said:
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“A man came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) asking: Who is the best among those praying in mosque? The Holy Prophet said: One who recites more “Zekr”.
6- Abu Baseer has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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629. “Our followers are those who remember God frequently in private.”
7- It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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630. “God said to Moses (AS): Remember Me frequently and when doing so be humble.”
8- The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also said:
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631. “God says: O children of Adam! Remember Me in an assembly so that I will remember you among an assembly of better ones.”
9- It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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632. “There are four things not attained by anyone save a believer. Silence being a prelude to prayer, humility before God, remembering God under every condition, and having a little asset.”
10- It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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633. “A man might die any kind of death: Being drowned in water fall off from somewhere, being devoured by fierce animals, and stricken by thunder, but none of these befalls a man who remembers God frequently.”
11- In a sacred Hadith, we read:
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634. “When I find out that a man remembers Me frequently in his heart, I will dispose his affairs, become his company, speak with him and become his intimate friend.”
12- It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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635. “God said: Whenever I know My servant is frequently engaged in remembering Me, I will make him invoke Me. When My servant became as such, I will prevent him from committing any wrongdoing when he desires so. They are truly My friends and they are courageous ones. Whenever I intend to destroy the earth and punish men, I will forgo destruction and punishment for the sake of them.”
13- The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
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636. “In the Torah which has not been distorted, it has been pointed out: Moses (AS) asked God: O Lord! Are You close to me so that I will whisper to you or You are at a distance so that I will call upon You. Revelation came to him saying: O Moses! I am the company of one who remembers Me. Moses (AS) said: On a day when there is no shelter but Yours, whom do you give shelter? God said: Those who remember Me and I too will remember them; those who love one another for My sake and I love them too. If I intend to harm those living on the earth, these are the people for whose sake I remove that wickedness from those living on the earth.”
14- Shoaib Ansari and Haroun Ibne Kharejah have reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
637. “Prophet Moses (AS) used to watch the deeds of men. Once he came to a man of devotion. When night fell, the man shook a tree near him. He found that there were two pomegranades on it so he said to Moses (AS): O servant of God! Who are you? You must be pious man, for I have been here for some time and saw no more than one promegranade on this tree. Were you not a pious man, I could not find these two pomegranades. Moses (AS) said: I am a man of the territory of Moussa Ibne Imran. When morning came, Moses (AS) asked that man: Do you know anyone more pious than yourself? He said: Yes. Such and such person. Moses (AS) set out to see that man. When he found the man, he realized that he was more pious than the former one. When night fell, two loaves of bread and water were bought for him. The man said: O servant of God! Who are you? You must be a pious servant, for I have been here for some time but they did not bring me but a loaf of bread. Were you not a pious man, they would not bring two loaves of bread for me. Who are you? Moses (AS) said: I am a man of territory of Moussa Ibne Imran. Then Moses (AS) asked the man: Do you know anyone more pious than yourself? He said: Yes, such and such person. Moses (AS) found that man but he was not a man of much devotion, rather he was a reciter of “Zekr”. He performed his supply of grain and realized that it had became double. The man said: O servant of God! Who are you? You must be a pious man, for I have been here for sometime and my supply of grain was a certain amount but it has been doubled to-night. Who are you? Moses (AS) said: I am a man of the territory of Moussa Ibne Imran. That man gave away one third of that grain as alms, gave another third to his master, and bought with the last third of it food which he shared with Moses. Seeing this, Moses smiled. The man said: What is your smiling for? Moses said: The prophet of Bani Israel sent me to such and such person. I found him as the most devoted one. He sent me to another person. I found him as the most devoted one. He sent me to another person. I found that he was more devoted than the former one. The second one sent me to you thinking that you are more devoted than him but I don’t see any similarity between you and them. The man said: I am a slave but I remember God frequently. Don’t you see that I perform my prayer at its proper time? If I linger my prayer I will do harm to both my master and my work. Are you returning to your homeland? Moses said: Yes. At this time a piece of cloud passed over them. The doorkeeper said: O cloud! Come down here. The cloud came down. He said: Where are you going? It said: To such and such territory. He said: Go away. Then another piece of cloud appeared. He said to it: O cloud! Come down. The cloud came down. He said: Where are you going? The cloud said: To such and such territory. He said: Go away. Then another piece of cloud appeared. He said: O cloud! Come down. The cloud came down. He said: O cloud! Where are you going? It said: To the territory of Moussa Ibne Imran. He said: Take this man gently and put him down in homeland, he said: O Lord! What has this man done that he has reached such a position? God said: This servant of Mine was patient in tribulations, was content with My will, and thanked for the blessings I have given him.”
15- Hassan Ibne Abi Alhassan Deilami in his book “Vahab be Mambah” has reported:
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638. “God sent the revelation to the prophet David (AS): O Dawood! One who loves his friend confirms his words. One who is pleased with his friends, is pleased with what he does. One who trusts his friend, takes him into his confidence. One who is fond of a friend, does everything for him. Dawood! I remember only those who remember Me. My paradise is for the obedient ones and I am devoted to My lovers.”
God has also said:
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639. “Those who obey Me are guests in My banquet. Those who thank Me, have their blessing increased. Those who remember Me frequently are in My bliss. Those who commit sins, will be deprived of My mercy. But if they repent, I will love them and should they invoke Me, I will fulfill their desire. Should they become ill, I will attend to them, heal everything through hardships and affliction and purify them from sins.”
16- It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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640. Never a group of people gathered for remembering God unless a voice from heaven called out: Rise up, for your sins have turned into virtues and you are all forgiven. Never a group of people gathered for remembering God unless a group of angels were sitting with them.”
17- It has been reported that the Holy Prophet (SAW) leaving home to see his companions, said:
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641. “Stroll in the gardens of paradise.”
The companions said: O Messenger of Allah! What are gardens of paradise? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:
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“Gardens of paradise are assemblies where God is remembered. Remember God morning and evening. One who wishes to know what his position is with God, must see what position God has with him, for God will give him a position equal to His position with man.”
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“know that the best deeds and their most refined sblime ones and the best thing the sun shone on them, is remembrance of God who has said: I am the company of one who remembers Me. God has also said: Therefore remember Me, I will remember you with blessing. Remember Me with obedience and worship so that I will remember you with blessings, benevolence, mercy, and satisfaction.”
18- It has been reported on the authority of the Infallibles (AS):
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642. “There are lands in paradise and whenever a man starts remembering God (Zekr), angels start planting trees therein. Sometimes, an angel stops planting trees and when it is said: Why have you stopped, he will say: My company stopped his “Zekr”.
Zekr is praiseworthy at Anytime
Zekr is praiseworthy at anytime and it is not blameworthy under any circumstances. Halabi has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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643. “There is no blame in remembering God even if you are easing nature, for “Zekr” is praiseworthy under any condition. Do not ever get bored of God’s remembrance.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:
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644. “In what was revealed to Moses (AS), it has been pointed out: Do not rejoice over much wealth nor abandon My remembrance under any condition, for much wealth will make you forget sins and abandoment of “Zekr” will make you hard-hearted.”
Abi Hamzeh has reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):
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645. “In the Torah which has not been distorted, it has been pointed out: O Lord! You are too Great and Mighty to be remembered in the assemblies I attend. God said: O Moses! My remembrance is praiseworthy under any condition.”
On many occasions, God afflicts man with a tribulation so that he will remember God and invoke Him. Abol Sabah says: I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): Is a believer’s tribulation because of his sin? The Imam said:
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646. “No, it is because God wishes to hear his supplication and Dua so as to write virtues for him and remove his sins.”
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“God does not love any people whom He has not afflicted with tribulation.”
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“Great reward is always with great tribulation.”
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“God says: Some of My servant’s faith will not remain strong if they are not healthy and wealthy. I too test them in this way. In return, some of My servant’s faith will not remain strong if they are not poor and ill. I will test them too in this way. Hence their faith will remain strong for them.”
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“Whenever God loves a man, He will plunge him into tribulations in a way that when he supplicates God will say: Yes, My servant! I can fulfill your desire but what I have in store for you is better.”
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“The disciples of Jesus (AS) were complaining to him about harassments by people. Jesus (AS) said: Believe in world are always grief-stricken.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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647. “In paradise there are mansions which are attached to nothing from above nor has it any column beneath and God’s servants will not reach them by their deeds. It was asked: O Messenger of God! Who are the inmates of those mansions? The Holy Prophet said: Those afflicted with tribulations and hardships.”
Zekr is praiseworthy in Every Place
No human gathering should ever be devoid of God’s remembrance or man leave the gathering without it. Abu Baseer has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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648. “Never gathered together a people who neither remembered God nor the household of the Holy Prophet unless that gathering was a source of regret for them on the Day of Judgment. Then he said: Imam Baqer (AS) said: Remembering us is as remembering God and remembering our enemies is as remembering Satan.”
The Imam has also said:
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The Imam has also said:
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649. “Whoever wishes to make the scales of his deeds heavy, should say when rising up: Glory be to the Lord of might, who is beyond description and peace be to His messengers, and praise is due to the Lord of two worlds.”
Hassan Ibne Abilhassan Deilami has reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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650. “Passing over gatherings where God is remembered, angels stop, weep together with them and say amen to their Dua. When they ascend the heavens, God says: O My angels! Where have you been? Though He knows better. They say: We attended a gathering of “Zekr” and saw men who were praising and glorifying You and feared Your Fire. Here God says: O My angels! Keep the Fire away from them. I take you witness that I have forgiven them and keep them safe from what they feared. The angels say: O Lord! Among them there was one who did not remember You. God says: I forgave him too, for he was present in the gathering. Never will become wretched, a man who sits with those who remember God.”
Zekr Is Praiseworthy among the Neglectful Ones
“Zekr” among the neglectful ones has been recommended for two reasons:
Firstly: They will remain safe from a tribulation which might befall them. They may also be delivered thanks to one who remembers God.
Secondly: There are Hadiths in this relation. Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:
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651. “One who remembers God among the neglectful ones is as one who fights for the sake of God instead of escaping from war.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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652. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: One who remembers God among the neglectful ones is as one who instead of escaping fro war fights on for the sake of God and paradise is for him.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also said:
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653. “Whoever remembers God devotedly in market where people are engaged in business and are neglectful, God will have a thousand virtues written for him and on the Day of Judgment he will receive a pardon which has not occurred to any human mind.”
The Best time for “Zekr”
The best time for “Zekr” is dawn, evening, forenoon and afternoon.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
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654. “God has said: O children of Adam! Remember Me moments after dawn and moments before evening. I too will assume your important affairs.”
Imam Baqer (AS) has said:
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655. “Iblis, upon him be God’s curses, disperses his army of night at sunset and sunrise. Therefore, remember God frequently at these times and seek refuge to Him from the evil of Iblis and his army. Also take care of your children during these hours, for these two hours are time of negligence.”
In the interpretation of the Quranic verse
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“…..and their shadows too at morn and eve.” Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:
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656. “It is Dua before sunrise and sunset which is answered.”
It is Praiseworthy to Remember God in Secret
It is praiseworthy to remember God in secret, for it is closer to devotion and far off from hypocrisy. In this connection, the Holy Prophet (SAW) said to Abuzar:
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657. “O Abazar! Remember God in the form of “Khamel”. Abazar says: I said: What is “Khamel”? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: It means in secret.”
Amiralmoamenin (AS) has said:
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658. “Whoever remembers God in secret, his remembrance of God will be taken into account. But hypocrites remember God openly and not in secret about which God says: “They do it only to be seen of men and do not remember Allah save a little”.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:
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659. “God has said: Whoever remembers Me in secret, I will remember him openly.”
Zararah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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660. “Angels do no write anything unless they hear it. God has said: And remember your Lord within yourself humbly and fearing.” Therefore no one but God knows the reward of this heart-felt. “Zekr” due to its importance.”
In a Hadith, we read that in a battle, as soon as the army of the Messenger of Allah reached a land, they started reciting loudly: “There is no god save Allah, and God is the Greatest.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:
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661. “O people, wait! Know that you are not calling upon one who is deaf or absent, rather you are calling upon the All-hearing who is close to you.”
Classification of “Zekr”
“Zekr” is classified into several kinds:
1- “Tashmeed” (Saying praise is due to Allah)
Saeed Chamat has reported on the authority of Fazl: I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): May I be sacrificed for you! Teach me a comprehensive Dua. The Imam said:
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662. “Praise God, for in this case, every worshipper will recite Dua for you and will say: God hears one who praise Him.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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663. “Any speech which does not begin with the praise of God, it is not perfect.”
Abu Massood has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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664. “Whoever says: Praise is due to the Lord of the worlds at dawn four times, has thanked God for that day and whoever repeats the same in the evening, has thanked God for the night.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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665. “Whoever says: Praise is due to God as He deserves it, has stopped heavenly scribes (angels) from writing. They will say: O God! We do not know the unseen. God will say: Write as My servant says. I will reward him for it.”
2- “Tamjeed” (Saying God is Almighty) (commendation)
Ali Ibne Hessan has reported on the authority of a friend and he on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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666. “Every Dua which is not preceded by “Tamjeed” is not perfect; first “Tamjeed” and then eulogy. The reporter says: I said. What is the least which will suffice as Tamjeed (commendation)? The Imam said: Say:
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“You are the First before whom there is nothing. You are the Last after whom there is nothing. You are the Manifest above whom there is nothing. You are the Hidden beneath whom there is nothing. And You are Almighty, the All-wise.”
The reporter says: I asked Imam Sadeq (AS): What is the least which will suffice as Tamjeed? The Imam said:
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667. “Praise is due to God who dominates everything. Praise is due to God who is aware of the hidden. Praise is due to God who brings the dead back to life and He has power over all things.”
3- “Tahleel” (Saying there is no god but Allah) and Takbeer (Saying God is the Greatest)
Rabee Azfazeel has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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668. “Recite “Tahleel” and “Takbeer” frequently, for there is nothing more favored by God than “Takbeer” and “Tahleel”.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
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669. “The best prayer is to say: There is no god but Allah.”
4- “Tasbeeh” (Saying glory be to God)
Yunus Ibne Yaghoob says:
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670. “I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): Will anyone saying “Sobhanallah” a hundred times be among those who has remembered God frequently? The Imam said: Yes.”
In a Hadith, we read:
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671. Prophet Soleiman’s camp covered an area of a hundred Farsang by a hundred Farsang twenty five Farsang of which was devoted to the Jinns, twenty five Farsang to human beings, twenty five Farsang to birds and twenty five Farsang to other animals. Prophet Soleiman had a thousand houses made of glass built on wood. In these houses lived three hundred women and seven hundred slave girls. Jinns had woven for him a carpet of gold and silk in the middle of which lay a golden pulpit. Prophet Soleiman took his seat on the pulpit and there were six hundred thousand chairs of gold and silver. Prophets sat on the gold chair and scholars on silver ones surrounded by people and people surrounded by Jinns and satans. Birds would spread their wing to stop the harm of the sun. Zephyr carried all the equipment in a single day.
It is said that wind was under Soleiman’s command at God’s will and no word was spoken which the wind did not carry to Soleiman. One day Soleiman passed by a farmer who said to himself: The son of David has a glorious rule. The wind carried it to Soleiman who was between heaven and the earth. Soleiman landed, went to the farmer and said: I have come to tell you not to wish anything over which you have no control. Then he said: One “Tasbeeh” of yours which is accepted by God is better than what He has given to the family of David. In another Hadith, we read: The reward of “Tasbeeh” will last for ever but the rule of Soleiman is doomed t perish.”
5- “Tasbeeh” and “Tahmeed”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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672. “Amirolmomenin (AS) has said: Sobhannallah fills half the scales, Alhamdolellah fills it completely and Laelahaellallah and Allahoakbar fills what is between heavens and the earth.”
6- The following Zekr
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673. “I testify there is no god but Allah. He is one, has no partner, the one God, unique, and One upon whom all depend, who has no wife or son.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:
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“Whoever recites the above-mentioned Dua for forty five times, God will have forty five thousand virtues written for him, will remove forty five thousand bad deeds from him and will promote him forty five thousand degrees. He will be as a person who has recited the Holy Quran twelve thousand times a day and finally God will make him a house in paradise.”
7- Fivefold Words
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
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647. “Shall I teach you five words which are light on tongue and heavy on the scales, words which will please God and drive away the Satan, words which are among treasures of heaven, words coming from beneath the Throne and among the righteous deeds? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: Say: Glory be to Allah, and praise is due to Allah, there is no god but Allah and God is the Greatest, there is neither might nor power but with Allah, the Great, the Exalted. Then he said five times: Excellent are these words which make your scales of good deeds heavy.”
8- Four “Tasbeeh”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):
675. “The Messenger of God was passing by a man who was planting trees in his orchard. The Holy Prophet stopped and said: Shall I introduce to you a tree whose roots are stronger, gives fruits earlier, and has purer and more lasting fruits than this? The man said: Yes, show it to me O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: At dawn and in the evening say: Subhaanallahi walhamdulillaahi walaa ilaa ha illallahu wallaahuakbar. If you recite this Dua there will be ten trees of every fruit for each Tasbeeh in paradise. This is an example of the righteous deed. The man said: O Messenger of Allah! I take you witness and give this orchard to you as a charity for muslim, that is, for the alms givers. Here God revealed verses 5-7 of the Quranic Chapter, Leil: “Then as for he who gives away and guards against evil and accepts the best, We will facilitate for him the easy end.”
Mohammad Ibne Khaled Barghi has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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676. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: Whoever says: sobhanallah (glory be to Allah) God will plant a tree for him in paradise. Whoever says Alhamdulellah (praise is due to Allah) God will plant a tree for him in paradise instead. Whoever says Laailahaillallah (there is no god but Allah) God will plant a tree for him in paradise instead. Whoever says Allahuakbar (God is the Greatest) God will plant a tree for him instead. Here a man of Qureish said: Therefore, we will have many trees in paradise, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: Yes, but do not ever set fire to those trees, for God has said: O believers! Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not make your deeds void.”
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677. “One day the Holy Prophet (SAW) said to his companions: If you heap up all your clothes, buildings and the living goods, do you think they will reach the sky? They said: No, O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: Shall I introduce to you something whose root is in the earth and its branches in heavens? They said: Yes. The Holy Prophet said: Whenever you complete your prayer say thirty times: Subhanallahi wal hamdulellahi walailahaillalah walaahuakbar the roots of which are in the earth and its branches are in heavens. It is these words that removes from man sorrows, collapsing of wall, fire, being drown in water, falling into well, being attacked by fierce animals, bad death, and tribulation which descend from heavens on the day. Those words are truly righteous deeds.”
Hamaad Ibne Osman has polyquoted Imam Sadeq (AS) Imam Ali (AS):
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678. “The Messenger of Allah said: When I was taken to heavens, I saw paradise in which there was a land with edifice of musk. I saw paradise in which there was a land with edifice of musk. I saw angels who were putting bricks of gold and silver one on the other and sometimes stopped doing so. I said: Why are you putting them one on the other and why do you stop from time to time? They said: We are waiting for material. I said: What is your material? They said: The Zekr of believer which is subhanallahi walhamdolellahi walailahaillallaho wallahoakbar. Whenever he recites them, we build the edifice and whenever he keeps silent, we will stop too.”
9- Seeking Forgiveness from Allah
Sokooni has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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679. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: The best Dua is to ask forgiveness from God.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) also said:
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680. “Hearts have a kind of rust as the acetate of copper which must be polished by asking forgiveness from God.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:
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681. “Whoever asks forgiveness frequently, God will comfort his sorrows, remove obstacles on his way and give him sustenance from a source he can not imagine.”
Zararah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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682. “Whenever a man asks forgiveness frequently, the book of his deeds will ascend illuminated.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Reza (AS):
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683. “After forgiveness from God is like shaking a tree to make its leaves fall off. But one who commits a sin and asks forgiveness at the same time, is a person who is mocking his Lord.”
Imam Reza (AS) has also said:
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684. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) did not rise up to leave a gathering unless he asked forgiveness forty times.”
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685. “The Messenger of God used to ask forgiveness and repented seventy times each morning. The reporter says: I said: How? He said: Astaghfirullaaha rabbee wa atoobuilayh? (O God! Forgive me and accept my repentance). The Holy Prophet recited Astaghfrullahi seventy times and wa atuboelallahe seventy times.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) also said:
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686. “Asking forgiveness and the formula, there is no god but Allah is the best prayer. God Almighty, the Omnipotent has said: “So know that there is no god but Allah, and, ask forgiveness for your fault.”
The Best time for “Zekr”
The best time for “Zekr” is dawn, forenoon an afternoon. It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer and Imam Sadeq (AS):
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687. “Make the beginning and end of book of your deeds heavy with good deeds so that what lies between them will be forgiven.”
Haroon Ibne Moussa Talakabri has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
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688. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Whoever recites: “I seek forgiveness from Allah there is no god but He, the Ever living, the Self-subsisting, Lord of Majesty, Lord of honor. I ask Him to accept my repentance, for I am an abject, humble and destitute servant in whose hand is neither his benefit nor his loss, neither life nor death, or gathering on the Day of Judgment. Once every afternoon, God orders two angels to set fire to whatever is in the book of his deeds.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Infallibles (AS):
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689. “Lo, greetings of Allah be upon those who rise up at dawn and seek forgiveness.”
It is said that one day Abu Ghamgham, a misfortunate person came to Moussa Ibne Ja-far (AS) complaining that he failed in every job he chose. The Imam said: After dawn recite the following ten times:
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690. “Glory be to Allah, the Great, Praise is due to Him. I seek Allah’s forgiveness and invoke His Grace.”
Abu Ghamgham says: I did so. By God! Soon some people came from desert telling me that a relative of mine was dead and he had no heir but me. I received my heirloom and became as rich as Croesus (Korah).