Succession of Ali

Succession of Ali

Succession of Ali
Shia Muslims believe that just as a prophet is appointed by God alone, only God has the prerogative to appoint the successor to his prophet. They believe God chose Ali to be Muhammad’s successor, infallible, the first caliph (khalifah, head of state) of Islam. The Shias believe that Muhammad designated Ali as his successor by God’s command (Eid Al Ghadir).
Ali was Muhammad’s first-cousin and closest living male relative as well as his son-in-law, having married Muhammad’s daughter Fatimah .
Muhammad invited people to Islam in secret for three years before he started inviting them publicly. In the fourth year of Islam, when Muhammad was commanded to invite his closer relatives to come to Islam[28] he gathered the Banu Hashim clan in a ceremony. At the banquet, he was about to invite them to Islam when Abu Lahab interrupted him, after which everyone left the banquet. The Prophet ordered Ali to invite the 40 people again. The second time, Muhammad announced Islam to them and invited them to join .
Ali was the only one to answer Muhammad’s call. Muhammad told him to sit down, saying, “Wait! Perhaps someone older than you might respond to my call.” Muhammad then asked the members of Banu Hashim a second time. Once again, Ali was the only one to respond, and again, Muhammad told him to wait. Muhammad then asked the members of Banu Hashim a third time. Ali was still the only volunteer. This time, Ali’s offer was accepted by Muhammad. Muhammad “drew [Ali] close, pressed him to his heart, and said to the assembly: ‘This is my wazir, my successor and my vicegerent. Listen to him and obey his commands. In another narration, when Muhammad accepted Ali’s eager offer, Muhammad “threw up his arms around the generous youth, and pressed him to his bosom” and said, “Behold my brother, my vizir, my vicegerent…Let all listen to his words, and obey him. Sir Richard Burton writes about the banquet in his 1898 book, saying, “It won for [Muhammad] a proselyte worth a thousand sabers in the person of Ali, son of Abu Talib.
The event of Ghadir Khumm is an event that took place in March 632. While returning from the Hajj pilgrimage, the Islamic prophet Muhammad gathered all the Muslims who were with him and gave a long sermon; during a part of the sermon, Muhammad raised Ali’s arm and asked the people, “Who has more priority over you than yourself?” The Muslims responded, “Allah and His messenger.
This event has been narrated by both Shia and Sunni sources. Further, after the sermon, Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman are all said to have given their allegiance to Ali, a fact that is also reported by both Shia and Sunni sources. .
Shia Muslims believe this to be Muhammad’s appointment of Ali as his successor.

Ali(a.s)both Shia and Sunni sourcesEid Al GhadirEventghadirshiastudiesSuccession
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