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Don’t Neglect your Brother

Al Imam Zain Al Abedeen says (a.s) says:” The right of the companion (sahib) is that you act as his companion with bounty and in fairness. You honor him as he honors you and you do not let him be the first to act with generosity. If he is…

Why should we Account Oneself?

Self-accounting has a great importance regarding the readiness and preparations of a believer to face the hereafter account and its horrible fears. Then it is important for supplying himself with good deeds that save and please him in the…

Cleanliness Draws God’s Mercy

Islam not only attaches importance to the spiritual aspects of life but also pays attention to cleanliness and keeping one’s appearance neat and clean. God says in verse 31 of Surah Al-A’raf: “Children of Adam, take…

The Word hijab (Modest Dress)

We believe in a particular philosophy in Islam for woman's hijab or modest dress which forms our intellectual point of view and in regard to analysis, it can be called the basis for the Islamic modest dress. Before we begin our…

Why should we Account Oneself?

Self-accounting has a great importance regarding the readiness and preparations of a believer to face the hereafter account and its horrible fears. Then it is important for supplying himself with good deeds that save and please him in the…