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Imam Ḥusayn

Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom

Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom: The following pages are based on a report of an Address which I delivered in London at an Ashura Majlis on Thursday the 28th May, 1931 (Muharram 1350 A.H.), at the Waldorf Hotel.…

The Merits of Imam Husayn (AS)

The Merits of Imam Husayn (AS) The Merits of Imam Husayn (AS) :  some traditions relating to Imam Husayn from Ibn Athir's book entitled Usudul Ghabah. A man asked Abdullah bin Umar: "What will be the position if the blood of a mosquito…

Shia Islam: Imam Ḥusayn /24

Shia Islam: Imam Ḥusayn /24 Imam Ḥusayn The third Shīʿa Imam, Ḥusayn, was the second son of ʿAlī and Fāṭima. He was born in 626 AD. He was named in a ceremony similar to the one held for his elder brother Ḥasan in the presence…