Characteristics of Faithful in Quran’s View

 How the behavior and conduct of the faithful should be and the role of faith in one’s achievement of a sublime spiritual status are among important issues mentioned in the Holy Quran.



Based on verse 63 of Surah Al-Furqan, “And the servants of the Beneficent Allah are they who walk on the earth in humbleness, and when the ignorant address them, they say: Peace,” we can say that the faithful have two great characteristics: They are humble and they have good behavior when facing bad and disrespectful behavior from the ignorant.

After describing in previous verses how disbelievers talk arrogantly to God, in this verse God portrays the good and proper conduct of the faithful. They act kindly when facing bad and impolite behavior and are away from conceit and arrogance because they consider themselves servants of the Beneficent Allah and their conduct is worthy of such a status.

The faithful are those who walk on the earth in humbleness as they see themselves humble before God and have no conceit and selfishness when interacting with other people.

They are humble both before God and people. Because they see themselves as servants of God, they do not consider themselves to be better or higher than other people.

The other characteristic emphasized in this verse is good behavior in interaction with the ignorant. When facing an improper word or conduct of the ignorant, the faithful respond with good words and conduct and never move toward ignorant words or unwise behavior.

The verse says the faithful respond with Salam (Peace), meaning their reaction is healthy and proper and away from any sin or vanity.

In general, it can be said that there is no conceit, arrogance, ignorance and thoughtlessness in the behavior of the faithful.


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