Ways of combating anxiety

 Anxiety is a condition which is accompanied with worries and fright. The signs of anxiety are evident in the physical conditions of a person and most of the initial pressures are exerted on the nervous system, digestion system and then the heart. The most severe kinds of anxiety can lead to death. In Ayahs 23-25 of Surah Al-Maryam, God warns that a human in the most severe kind of anxiety can lose control and ask for death. According to Ayahs 10-11 of Surah Al-Ahzab, the severe freight will dominate a person so much that person has no control and will reveal all secrets to others. Anxiety will disturb the balance and make a human incapable of relaxing and resting. Ayahs 1-2 of Surah Al-Hajj and 56-57 of Surah Al-Tawba refer to this point. The main causes of anxiety should be sought in the vision and outlooks of a person because behaviours depend on the personality. For instance those who do not believe in the divine destiny, for any change in their material life will feel anxious showing nervous and hopeless reactions. Imam Sadiq (AS) said: Knowing that my daily sustenance is from God and will not go to anyone else, calmed me. In fact the reason for calmness and staying away from anxiety is to believe in God and the power of the Almighty. Because believing in the fact that God has the power over all the matters and will act accordingly can take away the worries that whatever is due to a person from God will be given to that person and no one else. In another words, the most important factor of the anxiety in humans, is the lack of belief in the Almighty Allah (SWT). That is why it is mentioned in the Quran that fear of the future and grief of the past is removed from a real believer; because a real believer knows that the Almighty with full power and control over all matters will provide whatever God considers appropriate for that believer. One of the ways of reducing anxiety is to read Quran with thought because this will familiarise the reader with issues such as reliance on God, real beliefs and related matters.


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