What Is Ramadhan Fasting?

Fasting is a yearly spiritual renewal, given abundant reward in Ramadhan of God’s Mercy, that is part of the Islamic path to the ideal self. A unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam is the prescribed institution of Fasting or Siyam in Arabic. In fact, Fasting Ramadhan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Moreover, the Month of holy Ramadhan enjoys a special importance in the Islamic Calendar. As the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “It is Allah’s (SWT) Own Month.”

Fasting has been made obligatory for all adults and sane Muslims. By fasting during Ramadhan, a Muslim besides carrying out an obligation imposed upon him/her by Allah (SWT), becomes entitled to great reward in the Hereafter.

Fasting is an article of worship, the knowledge about the performance or otherwise whereof rests only with Allah (SWT) and the person concerned. Hence, it is Allah (SWT) alone who will reward that person for it, on the Day of Judgment.

Every year in the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world abstain from food, drink, vain talk and certain other actions from before sunrise until after sunset. A fasting Muslim will usually eat a meal right after sunset called Iftar, which means breakfast, and another light meal right before dawn called Suhur.

Throughout this month a devout Muslim fasts during the day in the true sense of the word, that is, he had merely denies himself food and water, but as explained by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PB UH), exercises strict control over his tongue, eyes, ears, thoughts and deeds and does everything possible to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT).

The blessings of Ramadhan are not limited to fasting alone, because the performance of all sorts of worship and good deeds during this month is also a source of great Divine favor. The revelation of the Holy Quran commenced during this very month and it is therefore the duty of every Muslim to read and try to understand the meaning of the Holy Quran and thereby gain an insight into the Divine secrets enshrined therein. It brings peace and illumination to the mind and imparts purity to the soul.

Since Ramadhan is a lunar month, it rotates around the year and falls in all the possible seasons over a period of 35 years. This way, wherever you live around the globe, you will get to fast during all the possible seasons instead of fasting only long summer days or only short winter day.


QuranRamadanshaistudiesShia ImamsShia Studie's World Assembly
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