The Importance of Knowledge in Islam

The Importance of Knowledge in Islam

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “Learned discussions enliven the dead hearts provided they lead to Allah and His commands”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.20)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “It is obligatory for every Muslim to acquire knowledge. Allah likes those who seek knowledge”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.15)
The Holy Qur’an says: “Whoever is given wisdom and knowledge is blessed with bounties in good abundance”.
(Surah al-Baqarah, 2:272)
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) says: “If people had known the advantages of acquiring knowledge they would have acquired it even if it had necessitated the shedding of their hearts’ blood or of their going down into the deep seas”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.59)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “Allah opens the path of Paradise to one who takes a step on the path of acquisition of knowledge”.
(Muniatul Murid, p.11)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “The best monuments and legacies which a man leaves behind himself are a dutiful son, useful buildings, knowledge and wisdom which are benefited by the people after him”.
(Muniatul Murid, p.11)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “One who wishes to see those who are safe from the Fire of Hell should look at the seekers of knowledge”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.58)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “Acquire knowledge even if it be in China”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.57)
Imam Ali (A.S.), says: “Do not feel shy of learning what you do not know”.
(Nahjul Balaghah, p.1113)
Imam Ali (A.S.), says: “O people! Remember that the excellence of your faith lies in acquiring knowledge and acting upon it. It is more essential for you to crave for knowledge than for riches”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.15)
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (A.S.), says: “Knowledge and action are associated with each other because whoever possesses knowledge acts upon it and the knowledge and wisdom of the one who puts them into practice remains unimpaired. Knowledge is a Divine voice which invites its bearer to act upon it. If he accepts its invitation and acts his knowledge lasts but if he does not give a positive response it forsakes him”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.22)
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (A.S.), says: “A person who learns a tradition for worldly gains does not benefit from it in the Hereafter, and if he learns it for his betterment in the next world, Allah blesses him in this world as well as in the Hereafter”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.111)
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (A.S.), says: “Your teacher enjoys the right over you that you should honour him and pay him respect in different assemblies. You should be very attentive to his words. You should not raise your voice above his. If anybody asks him a question you should not give a reply thereto. You should not converse with others in his presence and you should allow the people to benefit from his knowledge. You should not speak ill of anyone before him. If anybody speaks ill of him in your presence you should defend him. You should conceal his shortcomings and bring his virtues to light. You should not associate with his enemies and should not dispute with his friends. If you act on these lines the angels of Allah will testify that you have paid attention to him and have acquired knowledge for the sake of Allah and not to attract the attention of the people. And the right of your pupils on you is that you should realise that in granting you knowledge and opening its path for you, Allah has appointed you to be their guardian. In case, therefore you teach them properly and do not frighten them and are not furious with them Allah will, through His kindness, increase your knowledge. But if you drive the people away from knowledge and as and when they approach you for it you frighten them and get annoyed with them it will be only appropriate that Almighty Allah may take away the light of knowledge from you and may degrade you in the eyes of the people”.
(Makarimul Akhlaq, p.484)
The Holy Qu’ran says: “Allah elevates to high positions those from amongst you who are faithful and those who have acquired knowledge”.
(Surah al-Mujadilah, 58:11)
Imam Ali, (A.S.) says: “The learned men and scholars will continue to exist till the world lasts. Although their bodies may be hidden from the eyes their impressions will for ever remain imprinted in the hearts of the people”.
(Nahjul Balaghah, p.1146)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “Sleep of a scholar is superior to one thousand rak’ats of prayers offered by a devout person”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.76)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “A scholar is like a person who always observes fast and offers prayers and he is like a mujahid who sacrifices his life in the cause of Allah. As and when a scholar dies a breach takes place in Islam which cannot be filled till the Day of Judgement”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.82)
Imam Ali, (A.S.) says: “Two rak’ats of prayers offered by a scholar are better than seventy rak’ats of prayers offered by an ignorant person”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.65)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “Having the company of learned scholars is (Allah’s) worship”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.64)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says: “Looking at their faces is (also) worship”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.61)
Imam Ja’far Sadiq, (A.S.), says: “On the Day of Judgement Allah will be pleased with a person who honours and respects a Muslim scholar; and He will be annoyed with one who insults a Muslim scholar”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.82)
Knowledge is better than wealth because it protects you while you have to guard wealth. it decreases if you keep on spending it but the more you make use of knowledge ,the more it increases . What you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears but what you achieve through knowledge will remain even after you.” Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S)

Knowledge and Wealth
It is related that once ten learned men approached Imam Ali (A.S.), and wanted to know how knowledge was better than wealth. They requested that each one of them be given a separate answer. Imam Ali (A.S.) answered them as follows:
Knowledge is the legacy of the Prophets; wealth is the inheritance of the Pharaohs. As the Prophets are superior to the Pharaohs, so knowledge is better than wealth.
You have to guard your wealth, but knowledge guards you. Therefore, knowledge is better than wealth.
When knowledge is distributed it increases. When wealth is distributed it decreases. As such knowledge is better than wealth.
A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
A learned man because of his wider outlook is apt to be generous while a rich man because of his love for money is apt to be miserly. As such knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge cannot be stolen, while wealth is constantly exposed to the danger of being stolen. Accordingly knowledge is better than wealth.
With the lapse of time, knowledge gains in depth and dimensions. Hoarded coins get rusty, or cease to be legal tender. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
You can keep account of wealth because it is limited, but you cannot keep account of knowledge because it is boundless. That is why knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge illuminates the mind, while wealth is apt to blacken it. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge is better than wealth, because knowledge induced the humanity in the Holy Prophet to say to God “We worship Thee as we are Thine servants”, while wealth engendered in Pharaoh and Nimrod the vanity which made them claim Godhead.

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