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Shia Islam

Absence of Mahdi (a.s.)

Under this title or leading the following may be said; A. the disappearance of the Imam was an event of most importance. Shias became upset and much disappointed they were uncertain as to what would happen politically, religiously and…

Etiquette of the Month of Muharram

Etiquette of the Month of Muharram Etiquette of the Month of Muharram How to Mourn According to narrations, it is highly recommended that if we are unable to cry while the tragedy narration is being recited, then we should at least…

Origins of Shia Islam

Origins of Shia Islam There are many theories about the appearance of Shia that are completely baseless. Some believe, for instance, that Shia appeared as a result of political conflicts in the first century Hijri. Others have concluded…