Golden Words of the Leader of the Believers Imam Ali (A.S)
Golden Words of the Leader of the Believers Imam Ali (A.S)
Short Introduction of Imam Ali (A.S)
Name: Ali
Title: Amiral Momineen (Leader of the believers)
By name: Abul Hassan,Abu Toraab, Asadollah
Father: Abu Talib ibne Abdul Motalleb
Mother: Fatima binte Asad
Date of birth: 13 Rajab 23B.H
Place of birth: Inside Ka’ba. Mecca, Arabia
Period of Imamat: 30 years as the first divine Imam
Period of khilaafat: about 5 years
Place of Martyrdom: Mosque in Kufa(while leading morning congregation prayers on 19 Ramazan ,Ali (A.S) was lethally wounded)
Date of Martyrdom: 21 Ramazan 40 A.H
Age: 63 years
Shrine: Najafe Ashraf, Iraq
The best and last Messenger of God has said: “No one could understand Ali except God and myself.”
Ali was the only baby born inside Ka’aba, the house of God, built by Abraham (A.S).He was brought up by Mohammad (S.A) from his very childhood. He was a writer of the holy Quran with detailed references about all Aayaat revealed to the holy messenger (S.A).
Ali (A.S) was an embodiment of many divine and praiseworthy attributes of God, During ascension of Mohammad (S.A) God spoke to him in the voice or tone of Ali (A.S). So ‘ghallat’ exaggerate or consider Ali (A.S) as God. But God is One and Unique and Immortal, so no mortal can ever be regarded as God. Ali (A.S) was in reality a super human being, physically and spiritually.
He was a valiant warrior, whose one stroke of sword excelled the worship of all men and jinn as declared by the holy messenger (S.A) in the battle of Khandaq, a war between entire faith against entire faithlessness.
Ali (A.S) was advised by the holy messenger (S.A) to be patient under all conditions so he did not draw his sword for twenty five years during plots and intrigues against him. Thus he prevented the pristine true Islam from being nipped in the bud.
Ali (A.S) led a simple life; “low living and high thinking” was his way of life. His food was also simple, mostly oat and barley. He was so rich that he donated his own property e.g. date gardens grown by himself & wells which he dug and underground channels for irrigation to the poor.
Ali (A.S) was extremely erudite and fluent. His sermons, letters and words of wisdom have been partially compiled as Nahjol Balagha by Syed Razi. It is worthy of being taught throughout the world as a text book for perfection of human conduct and character.
Ali(A.S) was elected as the fourth khalifa by people. He dismissed those corrupt officers who were employed by the previous khalifa and were not suitable for their jobs.
Ali (A.S) is not less renowned than Daniel (A.S) for justice. Verdicts of Ali (A.S) are compiled as a book and many Jews, Christians and Non-muslims embraced Islam appreciating his exquisite justice. People of his time were so nincompoop that they could not appreciate the superhuman qualities of Ali (A.S) and by order of his enemies specially Bani Umayyah, Ali was cursed in sermons from pulpits in all the mosques in spite of the hadith by the holy messenger (S.A): “One who dies without cognizance of the Imam of his time, dies the death of the era of ignorance (like idolaters).”So Ali (A.S) is regarded as the most oppressed one in the history of the world. Ali (A.S) was not allowed to establish the best form of government as a model for the world, because of satanic enemies and plots and intrigues against him.
As people could not appreciate Ali (A.S), the best man of his time they were punished by God to suffer the rule of Bani ummayah for a thousand months as mentioned in the holy Quran, commentary of sura e Qadr.
Golden words of the Leader of the Believers Imam Ali (A.S)
1. Wisdom.
• The most precious wealth is wisdom, and the most miserable poverty is stupidity.
• Half of wisdom is love and friendship with people.(the other half is to guard yourself against the evils of people) (Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 142)
• Get hold of wisdom irrespective of its source, as wisdom is even in the hearts of hypocrites, where it is uneasy & flutters to emerge and occupy its proper place in a believer’s heart. (Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 76)
• No wisdom is like planning thoughtfully with tact. (Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 76)
Note: intelligence is not worthy of reliance when it is against obedience to God and makes you exit from the highway of Gods blessed guides.
• Beware of companionship with the ignorant, he wishes to benefit you but in reality he harms you. (Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 38)
• Poisons for wisdom are:
1. Greed
2. Poverty
3. Pride
4. Materialism or secularism
5. Addiction to wine
6. Captivity in carnal desires and caprice
7. Lust or sensuality.
8. Suspicion and evil temptations
9. Mocking and ridiculing
10. Getting imprisoned in the caprice of a ruler by serving his interests. (in disobedience to God) (Nahjul Balagha)
Note: Wisdom is internal guide, whereas the holy Imams are external guides like messengers from God.
2. God.
• Imam Ali (A.S) has said: If all the curtains between me and God are removed, my belief in God (is so firm that it) will not increase any further.
• Someone asked Ali (A.S), “Do you worship a God, whom you have not seen?”
Ali (A.S) replied: “I do not worship a God whom I have not seen”
Note: Ali (A.S) has seen God through his heart & insight which is more reliable than eyes. Eyes cannot see air, nor microbes & virus, nor Laser & x-rays, nor invisible ultra violet and infra red-rays which are beyond the visible spectrum (violet to red). Eyes are deceived by mirage. The holy Quran says: “Eyes cannot see Him (God).”
No one has seen God neither His messengers nor Imams nor angels nor jinns nor anybody else, yet. But all’ momins’ have firm belief in God and they seek His help by saying (بک يا الله) on the ‘Night of Destiny’ although atheists & polytheists have been deceived by Satan, and their satanic evil spirit (نفس اماره).
• One who has cognizance of his soul has cognizance of God. (Ghorarol hikam part 77 Hadith 301)
Note: a) Regarding ‘Soul’ God says: “They ask you about the ‘Soul’ Say the soul is a command of God & you are not given of its knowledge but a little. (S 17:A87)
When a person cannot understand his soul, He can never understand God’s Self, as worthy of Him.
In the holy Quran it is stated that,”God is Light of the heavens and the earth and is present everywhere. So He has no body & no abode. He is the Hidden & the Manifest, the Distant & the Near. Eyes cannot see Him but He is visible to our heart & mind. He is Infinite & cannot be grasped by our finite knowledge: Nothing is like Him & no light is like God’s Light.
• Ali (A.S) says “O ‘He’ of whom no one knows WHAT ‘He'(God) is, nor How ‘He’ is, nor WHERE ‘He’ is, nor in WHICH direction,’ He’ is, except ‘He’ Himself “. (Dua e Mashlool)
The holy messenger has said: “We could not understand You (God) to the extent worthy of Your cognizance”.
No one has comprehension of God’s Self (ذات خدا) but all mankind by human nature loves and worships God and seeks His help when in danger and despair.
Men can understand some attributes of God as indicated in the holy Quran, such as, God is Beneficent & Merciful. He is Just & Loving& Praiseworthy. He is the Best Protector.
He is the Creator of everything merely with His Will & Intention. He is the First & Primal Existence & is Everlasting. He is Ever Alive without death & transformation.
He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing & All-Knowing and All Powerful. He can make trees & stones & anything speak (e.g. God’s voice came from a tree for Moses A.S), He has no partner. He is the Unerring, the Holy &the Wise. He is absolute Truth.
He has guided us through His appointed messengers & Imams regarding the purpose of our life with His commandments & prohibitions in Heavenly Books. (e.g. Torah, Bible, Quran)
He is Extremely Patient, and gives respite to criminals, sinners & tyrants before punishing them. He is Forgiving for those who repent and seek pardon. He forgives the sinners, who love and follow God’s best pleaders & intercessors i.e. the fourteen sinless personalities when they intercede, with His permission
من ذالذي يشفع عنده الا باذنه