Duas that are Answered

Duas that are Answered

a- One who keeps fast
b- One who performs major Hajj
c- One who performs minor Hajj
d- One who fights in the way of Allah
e- Imam and a just leader
f- The wronged
g- One who recites Dua for his brothers in faith
h- A righteous son who recites Dua for his parents
i- Righteous parents’ Dua for their children
Abdullah Ibne Sanan reports on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“There are five Duas which are answered by God:
-Dua recited by a just leader and Imam
-Dua recited by one who has been wronged about whom God says:
I will take your revenge even after the passage of time.
-Dua recited by a righteous son for his parents.
-Dua recited by righteous parents for their children.
-Dua recited by a believer for his brother in faith, for God says: It will be as effective for you as for him.”
it has been reported:

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“God said to prophet Moses (AS): Call upon Me with a tongue you have not sinned. Moses said: How can I? God said: Call upon Me with the tongue of others.”
j- One who recited Dua for all.
k- One who has recited Dua before afflictions come.
Haroon Ibn Kharejeh has reported: on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“My grand father used to say: recite Dua before everything, for, if a man recites Dua and afterwards an affliction comes about an he recites Dua after that affliction, it is said: this is a familiar voice but if a person has not recited Dua when an affliction comes, it is said: Where have you been so far?”
It has also been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“Whoever is afraid of an affliction, if he recites Dua beforehand, God will never afflict him with that tribulation.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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“O Abazar! shall I teach you words which will benefit you? Abazar said; Yes, O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: You preserve God so that He will preserve you. Should you preserve God, you will find Him in front of you. Be familiar to God during the days of ease and comfort so that He will know you in need. If you desire anything, invoke God and if you are seeking help, ask it from Him. Everything is destined by God. should all the people try to give any benefit to you, they will never be able to do so if God has not destined it for you.”
Sokooni has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“The Messenger of Allah has said: Keep yourself from the wronged one’s curse, for his Dua will go further than the clouds so much so that God will look at it saying: bring it up so that I will fulfill it for him. Also keep yourselves from the parents’ curse, for it is extremely effective.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“There are three Duas which are not hidden from God:
1- The Dua of parents for their child when the latter does good to them and their curse when he disrespects them.
2- A wronged one’s curse against the oppressor and his Dua for one who has helped him against the oppressor.
3- The Dua of a believer for his brother in faith who has helped him in our way and his curse against him when he has denied help to him when he had the power and his brother in faith needed it.”
In another Hadith, we read:

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“Keep yourselves from the parents’ curse, for this curse goes up beyond the clouds; keep yourselves from parents’ curse, for this curse is extremely effective.”

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“When a child becomes sick, his mother should go to the rooftop, take off her scarf so as her hair is exposed to sky and say:

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-O God! You gave this child to me as a gift. O God! Renew Your gift today, for You are the Powerful One.

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“Then she should go into Sajdeh (prostration) from which she will not raise her head unless her child has been recovered.”
1- One who does not rely on any one but God for his needs. In verse 3 of the Quranic Chapter, talaq, God says:

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“…..Whoever trusts Allah, He is sufficient for him; surely Allah attains his purpose; Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.”
Hafs Ibn Ghiass has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“If one of you wishes to be such that whenever he desires something from God, He will fulfill, he should stop setting his hope on people and instead sets his hope only on God. When God finds such state in someone’s heart, He will fulfill whatever he desires.”
One of God’s admonitions to prophet Jesus (AS) is as follows:

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“O Jesus! Call upon Me as a depressed man who is being drowned and has no helper. O Jesus! Ask none but Me so that you will recite good Dua and I will fulfill it. Recite Dua only in supplication and do your best in this regard, for should you call upon Me in this way, I will grant your desire.”
A believing servant should always resort to God for his needs, whether small or big and not be ashamed of asking for small things, for, such a state is a sign of utmost degree of trust in God. In a sacred Hadith, we read:

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“O Moses! Call upon Me, for whatever you need even grass for your sheep and salt for your food.”
It has been reported on authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“Dua is your task, for nothing brings you closer to God than Dua. Do not ever abandon Dua in small affairs by saying: This is not important, for one in whose hand lie small affairs, has big affairs in His hand too.”
When you realize that deliverance and salvation hinge on putting trust in God, you will know that turning from him to others is accompanied by misfortune, disgrace and deprivation from God’s Mercy. Haven’t you heard the story of Mohammad Ibne Ajlan who was in straits as a result of problems in his life. Here is the story in his own version:
I was living in severe destitution. I had no one to help me either. I had heavy debt and the creditor insisted on him claims. I decided to go to Hassan Ibne Zeid who was the Emir of Medina and knew me very well. On the way, my cousin, Mohammad Ibne Abdullah, the grandchild of Imam Ali Ibne Hussein (AS) saw me. He took my hand saying: I know what you are going to do. Tell me to whom are you going for help?
I said: Hassan Ibne Zeid. He said: If you go to him, your needs will not be met. You should rather go to One who has the power to do it, and He is the God who is the Most Generous. Then set your hope on Him, for, I heard from my cousin, Imam Jafar Sadeq (AS) and he from his grandfathers and the Holy Prophet (SAW) as saying:

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“One of the revelations God sent to one of His Messengers was the following: By My Glory! Whoever sets his hope on anyone but Me. I will turn his hope into despair and I will cover him with garment of disgrace and deprive him of My grace and generosity.”

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“Has My servant set his hope on others in hardships? Has he set his hope on others while tribulations are in My hand and I am the Independent One in whose hand lies keys to all doors and the door of My house is open to whoever calls upon Me.”

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“Don’t you know that if a tribulation afflicts a person, no one but Me can remove it? So why should I see him turning away from Me. Due to My Generosity, I gave him things he had not even asked for. Nevertheless, he turned to others in hardships, asking other for help and turned away from Me!”

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“I am Allah who gave to people before being asked. How shall I not give when I am asked. Nay, is generosity not especially for Me? Aren’t the world and the Hereafter in My hand? If all the inhabitants of the earth and seven heavens ask Me and I fulfill all their desires, nothing will be reduced from My kingdom, for I am its Guardian.”

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“Therefore woe to one who rebels against Me and does not preserve Me.”
I told Mohammad Ibne Abdullah to repeat this Hadith three times and he did so. Then I said: No, by God! From now on I will never ask anyone for help. Soon God increased my sustenance from His hidden treasure.
it has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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“God says: Whenever My creature, instead of putting his trust in Me, appeals to other creatures, I will close to him all the earthly and heavenly gates. Then if he asks Me for anything, I will not fulfill his desire and if he calls upon Me, I will not answer him. However, if a man, instead of turning to others, puts his trust in Me, I will guarantee his daily food to be given by the earth and heavens. Should such a person recites Dua, I will fulfill it, should he ask Me for anything. I will give it to him and should he seek forgiveness, I will forgive him.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Hassan Askari (AS):

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“Do not ask for anything as much as you can, for there is a new sustenance for each day and know that insistence on asking removes man’s value and will leave suffering behind. Therefore, be patient so that God will open a door to you which is easy to enter. How near is benefaction to the depressed wronged man and safety to a horrified person. On many occasions, changes from wealth to poverty and health to illness is a kind of divine punishment.”

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“Sustenance has ranks. Therefore, do not rush to a benefit you have no share of, you will attain it at its proper time. Let it be known to you that the One who is your Manager knows better when it is most suitable for you. Therefore put your trust in Him in relation to His choice in all your affairs so that your situation will be improved. Do not hurry in your needs before they are fulfilled, for in that case, your heart will be darkened, your chest straightened, and despair will overwhelm you.”

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“Let it be known to you that there is a limit for modesty the excess of which is lavishment. There is also a limit for prudence the excess of which will ruin everything. Let not the cunning people do any harm to you. If the worldly people were wise enough, they would not attach so much importance to this world.”

Those whose Duas are not answered
a- b- c- d- Ja-’afar Ibne Ibrahim has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“There are four persons whose Duas are not answered:
1- One who sits idle at home and says: O God! Give my daily food. He is told: Have I not ordered you to you to go after your daily food?
2- A man who has indecent wife and curses her. To such a man, it is said: Don’t you have the option to keep or divorce her?
3- A man who has possessed a wealth but he has ruined it and keeps on saying: O God! increase my sustenance. It is said to him: didn’t I order you to be moderate in life?”
Then Imam Sadeq (AS) recited verse 67 of the Quranic Chapter, Forqan:

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“And they who when they spend, are neither extravagant nor parsimonious, and (keep) between the just mean.”

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4- “One who has lent his money to someone but has not taken witnesses for it and the debtor too is denying it. To such a person it is said: Didn’t I advise you to take witness for lending money?”
e- The fifth person has been mentioned in a Hadith related by Walid Ibne Sabih:

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5- “A man who curses his neighbor, while God has given him the option of selling his house and departing from there.”
Yunus Ibne Ammar has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“A man raises his hands towards God and calls upon Him and seeks wealth from His bounty. God too gives him the wealth but the man does not expend it in a way there is good in it. The man calls on God again but God says to him: Didn’t I give you wealth but you did such and such act.”
f- One who calls upon God with hardheartedness and negligence:
“Solyman Ibne Amr says: I heard Imam Ja-afar Ibne Mohammad Sadeq (AS) saying:

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“God does not fulfill the Dua of one with no presence of heart. Therefore, whenever you wish to recite Dua, turn to God with all your heart. Then be sure your Dua will be answered.”
g- One who has not recited Dua before the descent of tribulation:
Saif Ibne Omaireh has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“God does not fulfill the Dua of a hardhearted man. The Dua of one who has not recited Dua before the descent of tribulation will not be heard either.”
Hesham Ibne Salem too has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS)

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“If a man recites Dua before the descent of tribulation, his Dua will be fulfilled during its descent and it is said: It is a familiar voice which is not hidden from heavens. But one who has not recited Dua before, his Dua during the descent of tribulation will not be fulfilled, for the angels will say: We do not recognize this voice.”
h- One who recites Dua while persisting in sin:

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“One who merely recites Dua without doing good deed is as an archer who wishes to shoot his arrow but he has no bow.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“A man of Bani Israel recited Dua for three years invoking God to give him a son. But when he realized that his Dua was not answered, said: O God! Am I far from You? Don’t You hear my voice or You hear it but do not answer?
In his dream, he saw a man saying: You have been calling upon God with a polluted tongue and heart and false intention for three years. You have to cleanse your tongue and heart with piety and correct your intention. The man did so for a year and then God gave him a son.”
This hadith has four prerequisites as follow:
1- Renouncing bad language
2- Not having hard heart
3- Having good intention
4- Repenting from sin
i- The Dua of one who eats unlawful things (usurer):
In a sacred Hadith, we read:

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“You have to recite Dua and I have to fulfill it, for no Dua is hidden from Me but that of one who eats unlawful things.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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“Whoever wishes to have his Dua answered, must purify his daily food and business.”
To someone who wished his Dua to be answered, the Holy Prophet (SAW) said:

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“Cleanse the source of your daily food and do not eat unlawful things.”
Ali Ibne Asbat has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“Whoever becomes happy with the fulfillment of his Dua, has to cleanse hi business.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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“Returning one sixth of an unlawful morsel of food to God is more beloved than a thousand Rak-at of recommended prayer?

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“Returning one sixth of an illegally gained Dirham to it owner is equal to seventy Hajj pilgrimages performed with devotion.”
j- One on whose shoulder the rights of God’s servants rest:
It has been reported on the authority of the Infallibles (AS):

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“One of the revelations made to prophet Jesus (AS) was: O Jesus! Say to the oppressors of Bani Israel: You have washed your faces but you have polluted your hearts. Are you trying to deceive Me or to show Me your courage? You have adorned yourselves with perfume for the people of the world but your heart is like a stinking corpse to Me . You are as dead people.”

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“O Jesus! Say to them: Take your claws off unlawful business and cover your ears from hearing evil words, turn to Me with your hearts, for I do not want your faces.”

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“O Jesus! Say to the oppressors of Bani Israel: Do not call upon Me while you are ignoring decrees on unlawful business and keeping idols at home, for I have taken an oath to answer anyone who calls upon Me and My answer to them is to curse them so that their band will be dispersed.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW):

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“God sent a revelation to me saying: O brother of Messengers and admonishers! Admonish your people against entering one of My houses while the rights of one of My servants rests upon them, for as long as this person performs prayer before Me, I will curse him unless he returns that right. Should he do it. I will become his ears by which he hears; I will become his eyes by which he sees; and he will become one of My friends and will be My neighbor in paradise among the prophet, the righteous and martyrs.”
It has been reported on the authority of Amir al-Muminin:

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“God revealed to prophet Jesus to say to Bani Israel: Do not enter any one of My houses unless you have modest eyes, pure heart and innocent hands. Also give them this information that I will not answer the dua of anyone of them while the right of one of my servants rests upon them.”

Piety and its Results
Imam Sadeq (AS) was asked to give his opinion of piety. The Imam said:

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“Piety means to attend a place where God has ordered and to be absent from where God has forbidden.”
Piety is praised by every one, for it brings honor and dignity to human beings. It has been highly praised in the Holy QURAN too:

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“And certainly We enjoined those who were given the Book before you and We enjoin you too that you should be careful of your duty to Allah.”
The Holy QURAN is replete wit praise of piety and it has enumerated certain qualities for it as follow:
1- Eulogy of piety:

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“And if you are patient and guard against evil, surely this is one of the affairs which should be determined upon.” (Verse 186, Alay Imran)
2- Protection against enemies:

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“And if you are patient and guard yourselves their scheme will not injure you in anyway.” (Verse 120, Alay Imran)
3- Support and assistance:

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“…..Allah is with those who guard against evil.” (Verse 194, Baqarah)
4- Right state of deeds:

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“O you who believe! be careful of your duty to Allah and speak the right word. He will put your deeds into a right state.” (Verse 70-71, Ahzab)
5- Forgiveness of sins (faults):

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“…. forgive you your faults” (Verse 71, Ahzab)
6- God’s love:

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“Surely Allah loves those who are careful on their duty.” (Verse 4, Tobah)
7- Acceptance of deeds:

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“Allah only accepts from those who guard against evil.” (Verse 27, Maidah)
8- Honor and nobleness:

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“Surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful of his duty.” (Verse 13, Hujurat)
9- Good tidings upon death:

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“Now surely the friends of Allah, they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. Those who believe and guard against evil.” (Verse 63-64, Yunus)
10- Deliverance from Fire:

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“And We will deliver those who guarded against evil.” (Verse 72, Marium)
11- Abiding in Paradise:

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“It is prepared for those who guard against evil.” (Verse 133, Alay Imran)
12. Easing of reckoning:

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“And naught of the reckoning of their deeds shall be against those who guard against evil.” (Verse 69, Anam)
13- Deliverance from hardships and lawful daily food:

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“And whoever is careful of his duty to Allah, He will make for him an outlet. And give him sustenance from whence he thinks not; and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him, surely Allah attains His purpose; Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.” (Verse 2-3, Talaq)
Considering all these Quranic verses, we come to the conclusion that:
1- Piety (Guarding against evil) is a strong fortification and an ensured shelter, since God Himself says: “He will make for one who guards against evil an outlet.” This is similar to what the Holy Prophet has said:

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“If heavens and earth are sewn as a curtain before a believer but he guards against evil, God will make for him an outlet between them.”
2- Piety is a sufficient treasure, for God has said: “He give him sustenance from whence he thinks not.”
3- Piety suggests reliance too, for God says: “He is sufficient for him” and:

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“Who is truer of word than Allah” (Verse 122, the Women)
Hence the Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

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“Should men be committed to this verse, He is sufficient for him.”
4- God has the power of doing whatever He wills, for He has said: “Surely Allah attains His purpose”, so as people are sure about His promises in relation to piety like His being sufficient and His protection and mercy.
Being asked about reliance, Imam Sadeq (AS) said:

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“Not to fear anything if he has God with him.”
Ahmad Ibne Hussein Meissami has reported on the authority of one of his companions that Imam Sadeq (AS) in response to one of his companions had written:

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“After praising God and greetings on the Holy Prophet and his household, I recommend you to piety (guarding against evil), for God has ensured He will improve the state of a pious man from what he considers blameworthy and give him sustenance from where he does not think. God does not deceive anyone and what is with Him is not attained save through obedience to Him.”
Imam Baqer (AS) has reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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“By My glory, grandeur, greatness, light, highness, and My sublime position! No man ever made his desire prior to My will but I made his heart preoccupied with it, and did not have his sustenance increased. By My glory, grandeur, greatness, light, highness and My sublime position! No man ever made My will prior to his desire but I appointed angels to protect him and made heavens and the earth to give his sustenance, and consider his interests in every dealing. Fortune comes to him and shows inclination towards him.”
Aboo Saeed Khedri reports: I heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) who had returned from the Battle of Badr, with people around him and learning against a tree as saying:

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“O people! Try to ameliorate the Hereafter which is your duty and shun the world which has been ensured for you. Do not ever use body members which are nourished by God’s blessing in committing sins and incurring God’s wrath. Keep on asking His forgiveness and do your best to come near to His obedience. Whoever is after shares of world from the very beginning, he will have shares of Hereafter too in the world but he will not attain what he wishes. However, one who is after Hereafter shares from the very beginning, he will attain shares both in the world and whatever he wishes in the Hereafter.”
Abdullah Ibne Sanaan has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“Every believer who turns to whatever God loves, God too will turn to whatever he loves, and whoever seeks shelter with God with piety, God will give him shelter. One to whom God turns, and gives shelter, will not have fear if heavens and the earth fall. Should any tribulation fall on the people of the earth, and overwhelms all, he will be under the protection of God due to his piety. Has God not said: “Surely those who guard against evil are in a secure place?”
In a sacred Hadith, we read:

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“O son of Adam! I am Rich and have no need of anyone. Obey Me in what I have commanded so as to make you rich in a way you will not need anyone. O son of Adam! I am the Living One who does not die. Obey Me in what I have commanded to make you a living one who does not die. O son of Adam! I will say to anything to “be”, it will “be”. Obey Me in whatever I have commanded, to promote you to position wherein you say “be” to anything, it will “be”.”
Aboo Hamzeh has reported that the following revelation was sent to Prophet (SAW) David (AS):

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“O Dawood! No servant of Mine who has obeyed My commandments has ever called upon Me unless I have fulfilled his desire before hand.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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“God sent the following revelation to convey to his people: There has been no servant of Mine whom I have ordered to obey Me and he too has obeyed Me unless I too should obey him and help him obey Me. Should he have any desire I will fulfill it and should he recite any Dua I will answer him. Should he seek shelter with Me, I will give him, should he seek help, I will help him, should he rely on Me, I will keep his secrets and wrongdoings and should all the people deceive him, I will protect him.”

The Importance of Renouncing Sin
Piety (Guarding against evil) has two phases, namely “acquisition” and “shunning”. Acquisition is obedience of God and shunning is to renounce what is unlawful. Nevertheless, the second one is more advisable, for shunning the vice is beneficial and performing religious duties even if they are a few, will bear fruit should they be alongside shunning of the vice.
If the unlawful deed s are not renounced performing the lawful deeds will not be beneficial much. According to Hadith 676, when we glorify God, He will plant tree for us in paradise. With regard to this a man of Quresh said to the Holy Prophet (SAW): Then we have many trees in paradise? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Yes, but be careful not to set them on fire by committing sins, the Holy Prophet has also said:

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“Jealousy will eat up the virtues as fire eats up wood.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Infallibles (AS):

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“Make every endeavor that if you are not doing a praiseworthy deed, at least do not commit sin, for one who makes a building but does not demolish it, it will go up however one who makes a building but demolishes it, the building will never go up.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW):

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“Avoid overeating, for it will make you harsh, will make your body members weak in obeying God, and will make you deaf in listening to advice. Avoid looks that sow the seeds of carnal desires and produce neglect. Avoid avarice, for it pollutes your heart with greed and seals your heart with love of world, a key to every sin, the cause of any wrongdoing and remover of any virtue.”

Jihad against “Self”
One will never attain piety without fighting concupiscence which is a harmful, destructive and lustful enemy. In this relation, God says:

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“then as for him who is inordinate. And prefers the life of this world. Then surely the hell, that is the abode. And as for him who fears to stand in the presence of his Lord and forbids the soul from low desires. Then surely the garden -That is the abode.” (Verse 37-41, Naziat)
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

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“Your most hostile enemy is your “self” within you.”
Call on God to help you fight the “self’ as Joseph has said in: verse 53 of the Quranic Chapter, Joseph:

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“Surely man’s self is won\’t to command him to do evil, except such as my Lord has had mercy on.”
Oddatatol Daee (The Asset of Supplicant)
Allamah Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Fahd Asadi Helli

The Holy Qur’an and Messianism (Mahdawiyyat)

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