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Kalam (Islamic scholastic theology)
Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shariah
Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shariah
Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shariah : "Why do we have to pray five times a day?" "Why are dogs and hogs regarded unclean (najis)?" "Why is an animal slaughtered in a…
Islam, Christianity, Judaism
Islam, Christianity, Judaism
Islam, Christianity, Judaism: Three main faiths on earth: Judaism, preached by Moses (Peace be upon him); Christianity, preached by Jesus (Peace be upon him); Islam, preached by Muhammad (SAW)---all believers…
Arguments of the Holy Qur’an against the belief of Trinity
Arguments of the Holy Qur'an against the belief of Trinity
Arguments of the Holy Qur'an against the belief of Trinity: "It is not meet for a man that Allah should give him the Book and the Judgment and Prophethood, then he should say to…
Islam, the Last Manifestation of Revelation
Islam, the Last Manifestation of Revelation
Islam, the Last Manifestation of Revelation: From the first, Islam has said that it is the last message, and Muslims have accepted this fact with wisdom and with love, and have realized that…
Can Science Dispense with Religion?
Can Science Dispense with Religion?
1. What is your definition of science and of religion?
The question implies that science and religion cannot be defined with proximate genus and specific difference. How could we, who are dependent on…
The Need for Representation
The Need for Representation
The Need for Representation: As we are aware, occultation is of two types: the Minor Occultation and the Major Occultation with the former being the foundation for the latter. Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) was…
Is Man Superior To Angels?
Is Man Superior To Angels?
Question: When we say man is the most superior creature (Ashraf al-Makhluqaat) does it mean that from all the things. Created by Allah, man is the best, even greater than the angels?
Answer: Like the other…
Miracles by the Moment
Miracles by the Moment
Miracles by the Moment : Last year a story was circulated throughout the net about a nine-month-old baby from Russia who, as the parents claimed, had vivid Qur’anic verses mysteriously and miraculously appear upon…
Intellectual Aspects of the Imam’s Life Basic Beliefs
Intellectual Aspects of the Imam's Life Basic Beliefs
Intellectual Aspects of the Imam's Life Basic Beliefs: Islam is the religion which preaches tawhid, the Unity of God. Tawhid, then, is the starting point from which a Muslim sets out to…
Basic Preliminaries Of Faith
Basic Preliminaries Of Faith
Necessity of Obtaining Recognition
The possibility of a Beginning and a Return necessitates the study and the struggle to obtain religious recognition. The human being believes in the possibility that there…