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Kalam (Islamic scholastic theology)
Why is the Inheritance of Men twice that of Women?
Why is the Inheritance of Men twice that of Women?
Islam has placed certain responsibilities upon men, as a result of which, virtually one half of their earnings is spent upon women whereas no such responsibilities have been…
What should a person do if he wishes to be firm and steadfast in his beliefs?
What should a person do if he wishes to be firm and steadfast in his beliefs?
What should a person do if he wishes to be firm and steadfast in his beliefs? To understand religion and acquire spiritual perfection, the period of youth is a…
On the Attributes of God
On the Attributes of God
On the Attributes of God: With my continuous chain of authorities reaching up to the Thiqat al-Islam Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni, from `Ali ibn Ibrahim, from Muhammad ibn Khalid al-Tayalisi, from Safwan ibn…
Why hasn’t Imam Ali (a.s.) been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
Why hasn’t Imam Ali (a.s.) been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
Concise answer
One very good example is the hadith of Ghadir which is considered the official announcement of the appointment of Imam Ali as successor to Prophet Muhammad…
Mastership of Imam Ali (A.S.): The Measure of Belief
Mastership of Imam Ali (A.S.): The Measure of Belief
Mastership of Imam Ali (A.S.): The Measure of Belief: There exists a long-standing debate between scholars and traditionalists as to what is the difference between 'Islam' (submission)…
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A
Question 2
What would be the status of jizyah during the time of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs)?
Answer: Of course, the hadiths quoted in that part of the book are related to the noble verse,
...حَتَّى يُعْطُواْ…
Salvation in Islam
Salvation in Islam
Salvation in Islam: Salvation can be defined as the deliverance from sin and its penalties; the path to salvation, however, varies from one religion to another. In Christianity, salvation is found through the Doctrine of…
Were All Companions (Sahaba) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) Just and Truthful?
Were All Companions (Sahaba) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) Just and Truthful?
Were All Companions (Sahaba) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) Just and Truthful?: The Shi’ah are devoted to all those Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s) who…
Equality of Men and Women in all Three Levels of Islam
Equality of Men and Women in all Three Levels of Islam
Equality of Men and Women in all Three Levels of Islam: My brothers and sisters everywhere! Islamic law - that Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) sent down to His Messenger Muhammad -…
Divine Revelation, Human Reason and Science
Divine Revelation, Human Reason and Science
Knowledge and Action
Man is a thinking creature whose action is guided by his thought. It is neither possible to deprive him of thought nor to suspend his faculty of action and turn him into an…