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How does Prayer affect us?

A prayer makes a man’s life issues valuable because it revives the soul of morals. It is composed of a group of sincere instinct, pure saying and flawless deeds. Repeating this combination daily, day and night, plants the…

The Philosophy of Fasting

The general rule in Islam is that its commands and prohibitions are based on the advantages and disadvantages of the affairs, in other words, from the Islamic point of view, the good and the evil are hidden in every order or prohibition of…

Gaza Day; Symbol of resistance

The day of Gaza which is commemorated on January 19 in Iran is the symbol of resistance of Palestinians against the Zionist regime.  The day of Gaza which is commemorated on January 19 in Iran is the symbol of resistance of…

Is Servitude a Voluntary Choice?

A human being differs from other creatures by being a wise and perceptive creature. He has the will and ability to choose through the great mental strength that God almighty has bestowed him with. He is given the right to choose his…

Means of the Evil’s Deception

Pathing through the straight path cannot be achieved without having the moral and inner blessings because apparent blessings are the means that a devil beatifies to deceive people:” Satan responded, “My Lord! For allowing me to stray I will…