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Imam Ali’s Sermon of Wasila

Imam Ali’s Sermon of Wasila Imam Ali’s Sermon of Wasila All praise is due to Allah who ceased the illusions to comprehend but His existence, and screened the intellects to imagine His essence because it is impossible for His essence to…


SERMON 194 Allah’s praise, advice about fear of Allah and details about the Day of Judgement Praise be to Allah who has displayed such effects of His authority and the glory of His sublimity through the wonders of His might that they…

Sermon 166

Sermon 166 At the beginning of his Caliphate. Fulfilment of rights and obligations, and advice to fear Allah in all matters. Allah, the Glorified, has sent down a guiding Book wherein He has explained virtue and vice. You should adopt the…

Nahj Al-Balaghah Sermon 233

May my father and my mother shed their lives for you. O\' Messenger of Allah! With your death the process of prophethood, revelation and heavenly messages has stopped, which had not stopped at the death of others (prophets). Your…

The Most Detestable Creatures

The Most Detestable Creatures SERMON 17 About those who sit for dispensation of justice among people but are not fit for it. Among(1) all the people the most detested before Allah are two persons. One is he who is devoted to his self. So…