Some Questions and Answers about Music

Some Questions and Answers about Music

Some Questions and Answers about Music: The following are some questions and answers about Music. Please read the following to get a better understanding. The replies are from Ayatullah Seestani and a couple are taken from the Alim Network. Let us not try to bend the rules for our own desires. “And say: The truth has come and the falsehood hasvanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing (thing)” Holy Quran 17:81

Here is the question we are all asking and the answer is very explicit:
Q172: Is it permissible to listen to religious songs?
Follow up: You mean religious phrases that are composed with musical tunes that are common amongst the people of amusement and entertainment?
Response: Yes.
A: It is prohibited to listen to them. The same ruling applies to all phrases that are not for pleasure and amusement — such as supplication or dhikr –but composed with these musical tunes. (FM, p. 437) (Ayatuallah Seestani)

QUESTION: I do taqleed of Agha Seestaani, and am wondering on the ruling concerning the single ‘’I have no cannons that roar’’, that is being publicized by Yusuf Islam presently. Although it is music, a lot of Muslims are saying that it is acceptable to listen because of the nature and background of the writing. Is this true, please help
ANSWER: Music is music and it is haraam to listen to music. In Islam, the end does not justify the means. A very basic principle in Islam is ” LAA YUTAAULLAHHAYTHU YU’’SAA” – Allah cannot be obeyed if, in the process, a sin is committed. Mustafa Jaffer

QUESTION: There is a lot of confusion what is Halal Music & what is not.Especially since Iran permits all kinds now. Any clarifications possible? Can one refer this matter to Marja other than one whos taqlid is being done
(Aytollah Seestani?)
ANSWER: Ayatullah Seestani has a very clear fatwa on Music which disallows all kinds of music except military and funeral music. Mustafa Jaffer

QUESTION: Saalam Alaikum I wanted to know, as to how it is possible to break a sinning habit like listening to Music. At times one asks for forgiveness genuinely but commits the sin again forgetting that it is a sin. We are told in
many places that once you commit a sin and then ask for forgiveness, you should not commit the same sin again. But what if it was a habit and sometimes one tries very hard to break it but being human we slip and forget and commit the sin again. Will Allah (SWT) forgive such a person? Please advice soon!!
ANSWER: Breaking off of a bad habit needs firm resolution and commitment (needless to say). You have been trying to give it up, but find yourself returning to the folds of Music listeners. My advice is keep on trying and one day you will find you have given it up totally! Do not give up trying! Allah is very Merciful and Forgiving. He will forgive anything and your repetition of sins can also be forgiven provided you draw a line and sincerely stop. Have you sought solace in alternatives? Perhaps find something else to occupy you during times when you get the urge to listen to Music? Try also reciting certain Duas and performing certain actions that help a person refrain from committing sins. May the Almighty help us all from the enticements and traps of Shaytan – Amen. With Salaams and Duas Mustafa Jaffer
Answers by Ayatullah Seestani:
5. Music
Q166: What is the limit separating lawful from unlawful music? If the criterion is its being labeled “entertainment or amusement,” then this is not clear according to convention because there are differences of opinion on that.
A: The separating limit is its being of suitable quality for the gatherings of amusement and of immorality. (MMS, p. 28, Q53)
Q167: Also, regarding musical tunes, what is the criterion for their prohibition? Is the criterion their actual use in songs by people of immorality or is it enough for them to be suitable for such purposes? Is there any difference in situation if they are used during the commemoration of (Imam) Husayn or Islamic songs, for example, etc.?
A: The rule also is their being suitable for gatherings (of amusement and of immorality) and their prohibition is absolutely not lifted by using them during the commemoration or otherwise, based on precaution. (MMS, p. 28, Q54)
Q168: What is the ruling on so-called music in present customary usage?
A: It is of two kinds. One of them suits the places of amusement and entertainment and thus listening to it is prohibited. The other one is other than this and therefore is not prohibited. (FM, p. 437)
Q169: Some types of music are broadcast before the recitation of the noble Qur’’an or the adhan, before the religious program begins or during. Is it permissible to listen to it?
A: The great majority of them are of the second type and thus are lawful. (FM,p. 437)
Q170: Musical interludes and music that precedes announcement of the news.
A: The same applies. (same answer as Q169) (FM, p. 438)
Q171: Some types of watches, in addition to specifying the time, have musical pieces for the pleasure of the owner whenever he wishes (to hear them). Is it permissible to buy and sell them (watches), or even to listen to their music?
A: It is permissible. (FM, p. 438)
Q172: Is it permissible to listen to religious songs?
Follow up: You mean religious phrases that are composed with musical tunes that are common amongst the people of amusement and entertainment?
Response: Yes.
A: It is prohibited to listen to them. The same ruling applies to all phrases that are not for pleasure and amusement — such as supplication or dhikr –but composed with these musical tunes. (FM, p. 437)
Q173: Classical music is believed to soothe excited nerves, and is also prescribed at times for treatment of some psychological ailments. Is it permissible for me to listen to it?
A: Yes, it is permissible to listen to music which is not suited for the gatherings of amusement and entertainment. (FM, p. 438)
Q174: Music with pictures that is associated with television films, popular serial programs, the aim of which is to raise the degree of excitement of the viewers in accordance with the atmosphere of the film. For example, if the exhibited scene is frightening, then this music helps in prompting fear and its effect on the viewers.
A: The great majority of them are of the lawful type. (FM, p. 438)
Q175: . . . emotional and national poetry that are at times accompanied by music.
A: The same criterion as was previously mentioned (in Q168). (FM, p. 438)
Q176: The buying and selling of flutes, musical recordings and the like, from among the instruments of pleasure and amusement, is prohibited. However, there are instruments made for children’’s amusement. Is it permissible to buy and sell them?
A: It is permissible as long as they are not classified among the instruments of forbidden pleasure and amusement. (FM, p. 411)

Philosophy Behind Some of the Prohibited Acts of Islam

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