Greatness of declaring God’s oneness

Greatness of declaring God’s oneness

It becomes very clear from this that the formula, “There is no god except Allah’ is a very great word. Imam Sadiq says: This tricky man, this liar, this fabricator of allegations, even if he says: “There is no god except Allah’, there is a possibility of Allah being kind to him. O God! A man and a woman, young and old, all of us are believers in “There is no god except Allah’. Our tongue, our condition represent, “There is no god except Allah, the One for Whom there is no partner’. When you stand before grave dwellers do not forget this greatest truth and say: Peace on those who believe in “There is no god except Allah’ from those who believe in “There is no god except Allah’, O “There is no god except Allah’, by the right of “There is no god except Allah’, forgive those who say “There is no god except Allah’.
Especially during Friday eve, in the month of Ramadhan, O God! Because of the holiness of the words: “There is no god except Allah’, pardon all the people of “There is no god except Allah’. Please do forgive us due to Your Honor and Might, and the holiness of “There is no god except Allah’. It is in a narration that this formula of faith: “There is no god except Allah’ is heavier than the Throne and the seven-fold sky. O Allah! Decide that all of us also may become truly the people of: “There is no god except Allah’. Kindly make us all live by “There is no god except Allah’.
O Lord! Do not leave me at the last moment on my deathbed. Let my not forget to recite Your Name. Please do help me O Lord!
In the commentary of Lumah the Second Martyr narrates a tradition that the Holy Prophet said that Paradise becomes obligatory for the one whose last utterance is the formula: “There is no god except Allah’. I do not know where will you or I be in the last hour of our life; what we would be uttering? Where we would be, in a hospital bed or at home?
Everyone must fear about himself and should shiver thinking how he would be dying. In this month of Ramadhan, which is the month when God Almighty answers supplications, ask from Him: O Lord! Due to the holiness of this holy month, make our end good. Kindly make our last moments, the best moments of our lives. Please lift us from this world while we are remembering You and may our tongue recite with attention: “There is no god except Allah’.

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