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Contemplation on Consequences of Backbiting (Gheeba)

Contemplation on Consequences of Backbiting (Gheeba) Contemplation on Consequences of Backbiting (Gheeba): It has a name of its own to which a particular prohibition is attached. You have already come to know that backbiting describes any…

Speaking Bad behind Someone’s Back

Speaking Bad behind Someone’s Back Speaking Bad behind Someone’s Back: Do not back-bite one another. Do any of you (who back-bite) love to eat the flesh of your dead brother? Rather, you detest this act, therefore have consciousness of…

Backbiting (Ghibah)

Backbiting (Ghibah) Backbiting (Ghibah): With my isnad going back to Thiqat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni (R) from ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from al-Nawfali, from al-Sakkuni, from Abu ‘Abd Allah (A) that…