Prayer of Imam Ali (A.S) during the war

Prayer of Imam Ali (A.S) during the war

Prayer of Imam Ali (A.S) during the war

What follows is a part of the book Nahj al-Balagha, the most famous collection of sermons, letters, tafsirs and stories attributed to Imam Ali (A.S). It was collected by Al-Sharif al-Radi, the Shiite scholar of the tenth century. Known for its eloquent content, it is considered as a masterpiece of literature in Shiite Islam, ranked third behind the Qur’an and prophetic narratives. This is the 15th letter of this book, selected by SHAFAQNA.

Prayer of Imam Ali (A.S) during the war: O Lord, hidden hostilities are obvious and boils of hatred are boiling.

[ Whenever Imam Ali (A.S) faced an enemy he invoked Allah in the following words. ]

O Lord! Our hearts seek Your Protection, our faces turn to You, our eyes look towards You, our feet move towards Your path and our bodies sincerely submit to Your command. O Lord! Hidden hostilities and concealed spite are exposed, hearts are boiling over with envy and malice. O Lord! We place before You our difficulties, the absence of the Holy Prophet (S.A) from amongst us, the abundance of enemies, the disappointments and frustrations which face us. O Lord! Let truth prevail and let our people realize the justice, honesty and piety of our case.

Imam Ali (a.s.) is the benchmark for recognizing the truth

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