Dr. Mohammad Javad Sahebi

Dr. Mohammad Javad Sahebi

He was born in 1333 H.S in Shahrud. After finishing the classic studies he started the Islamic studies under the teachings of some scholars of H.I Saeb Chahkandi. He learned the Arabic literature under the teachings of Bahjati Shafaqi, Sayed Mahdi taleqani etc. in the field of theology he learned from H.I Sayed Asadullah Masudi and the preliminary  Fiqh from Ayatullah Ali Panah IAshtehardi and in the higher level of Fiqh Ayaullah Bani Fazl. In Osul, he learned from H.I Musavi Gargani, Salehi Afghani, and Ayatulah Ali Abedi Shahrudi.

In the level of Kharej he was under the teachings of Ayatullah Jannati, Muslavi Ardabili, Ayatullah Hassanzadeh Amoli, Sayed Jalal Ashtiyani, Sayed Ezzudin Zanjani, Mohammad Hadi Marefat, etc.

Some of his responsibilities:

The secretary of the council of religion researches,

Managing Director of the Secretariat of the Iran’s religious scholars

The expert of scientific and cultural programs of mass media

The head of the foundation of religions and denominations of Islamic seminary

Some of his articles:

A shout in silence

Political philosophy in the views of Allahmah Tabatabaee

Hussaini logic


Pioneers of fundamental change

The origins of new religious thought

He also has been guiding and supervising in many thesises.

He had some cooperations with some institutes like the Kayhan Andisheh Journal, Islamic revolutionary guards etc.
