Self-Knowledge in Imam Ali’s (AS) Words

This remark has been made by Imam Ali (AS) and has roots in the Holy Quran’s teachings.

It has been the basis of Islam’s path to spiritual growth, which, according to the Imam (AS), has been pursued by all messengers of God.

Today, the 21st day of Ramadan, marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (AS). He had been struck two days earlier while saying prayers at mosque. The religious leader of Muslims was martyred by a deviated person who had a Takfiri view, like the one being held by Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) today. But Who was Ali (AS)?

Ali (AS) was the first person who believed in the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) mission. There were many historical events that made him the most special companion of the Prophet (PBUH), including the Laylat al-Mabit.

Imam Ali (AS) is also a unique role model to follow and an everlasting symbol of justice.

Nahj-ul-Balaqa, a collection of sermons, precepts, prayers, epistles and aphorisms of Imam Ali (AS) compiled by al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Radi, showcases some beautiful aspects of this religious leader’s spiritual sayings.

One of the concepts in Imam Ali’s (AS) sayings is self-knowledge. The Imam (AS) considers the first step in self-growth to be an “invitation to oneself” so that one would be encouraged to recognize his human value and based on this value build his character. He says the highest knowledge in Ma’rifat ul-Nafs.

Imam Ali (AS) also says that the messengers of God have come only with the purpose of awakening Fitri (natural) causes and freeing intellectual energy in order to draw people’s attention to their identity.

But how can this self-knowledge help people? It leads them to the truth of man’s relations with God and with others.

Imam Ali (AS) says, “One who does not recognize his own value, will not know the value of anything.” Why? Because such a person sees life to have no purpose and does not recognize the value of existence and, therefore, considers everything to be worthless and unimportant.

These remarks by Imam Ali (AS) can be regarded as an introduction and an interpretation of verse 105 of Surah Al-Ma’ida: “Believers, look after your own souls, he who goes astray cannot harm you if you are guided. You shall all return to Allah, and He will inform you of what you have done.”


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