Hajj Promoting Coexistence, Peace: Ayatollah Khamenei

 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei noted that the Hajj pilgrimage promotes coexistence as people who do not know each other come together and live in peace for some days.



He made the remarks in a Wednesday meeting with a host of Iranian officials in charge of conducting Hajj pilgrimage.

“This was great news that after 2 years, God reopened the door for Hajj. This is a divine invitation opening the way to the Hajj pilgrims. This is not a favor from anyone; it is God’s acceptance of the respected pilgrims’ and your enthusiasm. God willing, you will have a good Hajj,” he said.

“What are mankind’s problems in the world now? That they don’t know how to coexist, and they act aggressively toward each other,” he stressed.

“Hajj teaches coexistence. In Hajj people who don’t know each other and who are coming from different cultures coexist in peace.

“Much of the world’s miseries and problems are the result of aristocratic lifestyles and luxurious living. A great part of the world’s wealth is being spent on such things everywhere. Hajj teaches you to have a simple lifestyle,” added the Leader.

Zionism a plague for Muslim world

“Today, Zionism is an obvious plague for the world of Islam. The Zionists have always been a plague, even before establishing the fraudulent Zionist regime. Even then, Zionist capitalists were a plague for the whole world. Now they’re a plague especially for the world of Islam,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“The plague of Zionism should be exposed, in any way you can. These Arab and non-Arab states that shook hands, kissed and held meetings with the Zionists won’t benefit from what they did at all, not at all. This will only be to their loss,” he added.

“Muslim nations oppose the normalization of relations with the Zionists, clench their fists and shout slogans against states seeking normalization. The Zionist regime exploits these states. They don’t realize it, but we hope they realize it before it’s too late.”

Source: iqna

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