Imam Hasan Askari(A.S) reported that his father quoted Jabir Ibn Abdullah as saying : ‘ The Messenger of Allah, Peace be Upon him and his cleansed progeny, said : ‘ When Allah created Adam and Eve, they strutted through paradise and said : ‘ Who are better than we ? ‘ At that moment they noticed an image of a girl like they had never seen before; from this girl came an illuminating light so bright that it almost blinded the eyes.
They said : ‘ O Lord, what is this ? ‘ He answered : ‘ This is the Image of Fatima (A.S.), the mistress of your women descendants. ‘
Lisan Al Mizan Volume 3 page 346
Ibn Abbas said : ‘ Aisha entered the house while the Messenegr of Allah was kissing Fatima ( A.S. ), so she said : ‘ Do you love her, O Messenger of Allah ? ‘
He replied : ‘ Indeed, by Allah if you knew the extent of my love for her, your love would increase for her. When I was in the forth heaven … that I found these dates softer than butter, more pleasant than musk and sweeter than honey. So when I descended to earth, I came unto Khadija and she bore Fatima. Thus Fatima is a human huri, whenever I long for paradise I smell her.
Hadrat Fatima Zahra’s(A.S.) other name:
Az-Zahra: She was named by Allah, as Az-Zahra because her Holy Light used to shine among those brighter in all The Heavens.
Batool: Because of her absolute Purity attained from Paradise from The Heavens. And also because, The Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra, not like all the other women in the world, she had been blessed of not having the monthly menstrual period. This purity of hers was created by Allah The Almighty with the Purity of the Heavenly food and water her Holy Father had received, when he was alone on the mountain top indulging himself in prayer in the worship of God, for forty days and nights.
Siddiqah The Honest, The Righteous
Al-Mubarakah The Blessed One
Al-Tahirah The Virtuous, The Pure
Al-Zakiyah The Chaste, The Unblemished
Al-Radhiatul Mardhiah She who is gratified and who shall be satisfied
Al-Muhaddathah A person other than a Prophet, that the angel’s speak too
Al-Zahirah The Luminous
Hazrat Fatima (A.S.) in the Holy Quran
Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass …. [ 25 : 35 ]
Ibn al Maghazli al Shafi’i has related that the niche means Hazrat Fatima ( A.S. ), the lamp means Hasan ( A.S) and Husain ( A.S) …..
Give the kinsman his due …. [ 17 : 26 ]
Commentators have written that when this verse was revealed the Holy Prophet ( S.A.W ) asked the Angel Gibrael : Who are the kinsmen and what is their due ? The Angel replied : Give Fidak to Fatima for it is her due, and whatever is due to Allah and the Prophet out of Fadak, that also belongs to her, so entrust it to her also. Thereupon the Holy Prophet called Fatima ( A.S) and wrote the deed of gift, giving Fadak to her.
Tafseer Durre Mansoor ( Volume 4 page 177 )
It is Allah’s wish to keep away all blemish from you, O Ahl al Bayt, and purify you with a perfect purification. [ 33 : 33 ]
Al Tirmizi, Ibn Manthoor, Al Hakim, Ibn Mardawaih and Al Bayhaqi in his Sunan, all recorded the report of Umme Salemah, wife of the Prophet ( S.A.W.) in which she said :
In my own house the Quranic verse : Certainly God wants to keep away all abominations from you …. Ali Fatima, Al Hassan and Al Hussein were at my house. The messenger of God covered them with a garment and then said : These are the members of my House. God keep away abomination from them and make them pure and spotless.
Sahih al Tirmizi, Volume 5 page 328 Hadith no. 3875
And whoever disputes with thee concerning him after the inspired knowledge which has been given unto thee, tell him : ‘ Come, let us call our sons and your sons; our women and your women; and ourselves and yourselves; then let us pray and invoke Allah’s curse upon those who lie. [ 3 : 61 ]
When the above verse came down ( at the time of debate between the Messenger and the Christians from Najran ), the Messenger of God called upon Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein and said : God, these are the members of my family.
Sahih Muslim Volume 15 page 176
The Marriage
One day when the Prophet ( S.A.W) came out and joined his companions his face was beaming with joy. Abd al Rahman ibn Awf inquired as to the cause of his joy and the Prophet ( S.A.W ) said :
I have received good tidings from my Lord about my brother and the son of my uncle, that Allah has given my daughter Fatima, Peace be Upon Her and her progeny, in marriage to Ali.
Sawaiq Al Muhriqah page 103
The Prophet ( saw ) said :
O Fatima ! Are you not pleased with this, that Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, cast a glance on the dwellers of the earth and selected from them two men, one of them your father and the other your husband ?
Mustadrak Al Hakim Volume 3 page 129 ( admits it to be genuine )
Kanz al Ummal Volume 6 page 153
Musnad of Imam Ahmed Volume 5 page 39
Sharh al Nahj al Balagah Volume 2 page 451
Ibn Abu Hatam has recorded a report from Anas, who says that Umar and Abu Bakr came to the Prophet (S.A.W. ) and each of them requested to give him the hand of Fatima (A.S.). But the Prophet (S.A.W.) kept silent and gave no answer. Then both of them went to Ali (A.S.) and told him that they had asked for the hand of Fatima (A.S. ), but the Prophet (S.A.W.) gave no answer. They requested Ali (A.S.) to ask for the hand of Fatima ( A.S.).
Many eminent traditionists have copied this report from Ibn Hatam. Ibn Hajar Asqalani ( Hadith Scientist ) has recorded in the opening part of Chapter 11 of Sawaiq al Muhriqah.
Kanz al Ummal Volume 6 page 153
Musnad of Imam Ahmed Volume 5 page 31
The Prophet (S.A.W.) gave Abu Bakr some money and asked him to accompany Salman and Bilal to buy some house hold necessities for Fatima’s house. The Prophet said to Abu Bakr :
Buy some appropriate household necessities for my daughter with this money.
Abu Bakr said :
He ( saw ) gave me sixty three ( 63 ) dirhams, so we went to the market and bought the following
a leather mat
a Khaibairion cloak
jugs and jars for water
a thin curtain made of wool
a veil costing 4 ( foour ) dirhams
a bed embellished with ribbon
a mat from Hajar
a special copper container used for dye stuff
a water skin
The Leader of all Women in Paradise
Like her Holy Infallible Father(S.A.W.), she possessed all the intellectual abilities and achievements. Many verses of The Holy Koran were revealed in her praise and about her spiritual credits. The Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.) had given her several honorable titles among which one is:
The Holy Prophet her Father(S.A.W.) loved her very much Whenever she would go to the house of her father The Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) would stand up out of respect to her. Whenever he greeted her, and he would honour her by giving her a special place to seat herself in his house. Very often Her Father(S.A.W.) would softly kiss her hands and say, “Allah, The Most High; is pleased when Fatimah(A.S.) is pleased. He is angered; whenever Fatimah is angered!”