The Holy Qur’an is to lead the proper way of life

The Holy Qur’an is to lead the proper way of life

As we said in the previous episodes of this series, the holy Qur’an is indeed the blueprint for all humanity for all time to lead the proper way of life. This is the cause of attraction of more and more people towards the universal religion of Islam. The remarkable thing is that despite the attempts of deviated minds to try to distort the message of the holy Qur’an, this heavenly scripture has remained untarnished, and true to God’s promise, no person or a group of persons have been able to present a semblance to the unmatched eloquence of its ayahs.
One can say that no book has been studied and evaluated as much as the holy Qur’an. Thousands of books have been written by Orientalists, of whom many have acknowledged the beauty of its words and the mastery of its wisdom, while others trying to find fault with its contents have only confounded themselves and their writings.
The Leiden Encyclopedia has admitted the inimitability of the Qur’an. In his article, contemporary Orientalist, Richard C. Martin has said that the Book of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) remains remarkably supreme till this day, while the forgeries of liars such as the Arab, Musailama Kadhaab, who claimed to be the prophet turned out to be meaningless and nonsense in his own times, despite his attempt to copy the style of the Qur’an.
Recently in 1997, a Zionist website named ‘American Online’, with the help of some Arab apostates, put on its site what it alleged as four Surahs omitted from the Qur’an, and named them “Muslemoun”, “Tajassod”, “Wasaya” and “Imaan”. These were unanimously dismissed as forgeries by orientalists themselves, and thus the Zionists failed in their plot to create doubts in the contents of the holy Quran, regarding which God Almighty says in 9 of Surah Hijr, Allah says: “Surely We have revealed the reminder and We will most surely be its Guardian.”
In the lifetime of the Prophet and immediately after him, some of the enemies of Islam such as Waleed bin Moghira, Khaled bin Aqaba, Tofail bin Amr, Ataba bin Rabi’a and Anees bin Jonada, admitted their helplessness and inability against the miraculous eloquence of the holy Qur’an, which to these infidels appeared as the work of the Prophet rather than that of God. Today it is the laws of the holy Qur’an that prevail all over the world, even in secular non-Muslim societies where Muslims flourish. In comparison, manmade laws appear and disappear, and cannot be compared in any way to the laws of God.
The Qur’an creates easy ideas without ambiguity which are free of superstition. Progress in the ethics and culture of Muslims has been made in the light of the Qur’an and it has even strengthened the principles of social order and justice, encouraging people to pursue peace and abstain from oppression and violence. The statement of Lobaid Abu Ruba’ia who is considered one of the seven great literary figures before Islam is well known. When he saw the first ayahs of Surah Baqara on the wall of a place of worship, he was so fascinated by the eloquence of the Qur’an that he screamed “These words are not that of man, but indeed the Words of God”.
Today, the more the devilish elements in our society try to insult and slander the holy Qur’an, the more electrifying becomes its appeal. In the West, there are many, who out of curiosity took up translations of the holy Qur’an in order to find what they thought its shortcomings, but in the end became Muslims and admitted the heavenly nature of this divine book. As a result, the Muslim ummah is fast expanding, and its numbers have now reached 1.8 billion. This is indeed another undeniable proof of this Divine Book. 

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