Best of Recitals

Best of Recitals

Once I was in the service of hazrat ayatullah Baha\’uddini RH, the late
ayatullah Akhund Mullah Ali Hamadani was there he was describing the effects and virtues of reciting salawat,He said: A man had been visiting me and as usual one day he came to me and a excellent perfume of scent was touching my senses of smell.The sweet odour which I was not percieved before.
I told Him: You Applied a nice perfume.
He replied:I didnot applied any perfume.
I said: Then what is the matter?
He said: One night I saw Nabi Akram SAVA in my dream. There were some people at his service.He asked us: Among you, who is sending for me more and more Durud and salavat? As I was the puntual reciter of salvat, I wanted to introduce my self but I stopped myself and thought may be there are some people here who send salavat and durud more than me.
The second time Nabi Akram SAVA repeated his question. I again thought the same way and kept silent.
Nabi Akram SAVA again for the third time repeated his question.
I said: Please Sir you announce about this.
He told me: Come forward. I went near, The prophet kissed upon my lips, and from that time I attained this perfume.
The ayatullah said: Whenever he was coming to me I was smelling that same perfume from him.
More than every thing, when he was knocking the door I was telling to people of my house: Please open the door that so and so person has arrived. I was recognising his fragrance as he was knocking the door.

Reliance on Allah

When Nimrud wanted to burn Hazrat Ibrahim a.s in the fire.The angels of heaven cried and Jibril a.s pleaded: O God only one person had been worshiping you and now the enemy is dominated him.
The God addressed: When ever I want I will support him.
The angels pleaded: O God! the Provident then grant us permission to help him soon. God addressed and said: You may proceed,if he gave permission, you may help him.
An angel who was appointed the authority of water came and the angels who were delegates of earth and fire arrived and said: O Ibrahim! Give us permission to save you and kill your enemies but Ibrahim a.s did allowed them.
Jibril a.s visited him and said: O Ibrahim! Do you have any wish.
Hazrat Ibrahim a.s replied: I have wish but I do not want to ask you.
Jibril a.s replied: To whoever you want to tell, you ask him.
He replied: He knows about my wish he is not ignorant
The Almighty God addressed: O fire be cool and safe to Ibrahim.

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