Browsing Category
Islamic jurisprudence and principles
The numbered rulings are according to the Fatawa of Ayatullah Al-Udhma Seyyid Ali Al-Husaini Seestani, Dama Dhilluhu.
(The rulings in brackets are according to the Fatawa of Ayatullah Al-Udhma Seyyid Abulqassim Al-Khui, Ridhwanullahi…
Brief History of Jurisprudence and Jurisprudents
As we mentioned in the previous lessons, one of the preparations for learning about any field of knowledge is to pay attention to the famous personalities of that field, the views and ideas of whom were important, and to its important…
The need for Ilmul Usul
The need for Ilmul Usul
The need for Ilmul Usul: Everybody knows that it is his duty to follow the Islamic law. He has to do whatever has been enjoined by it and has to refrain from whatever has been declared improper by it. As for the…
Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shariah
Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shariah
Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shariah : "Why do we have to pray five times a day?" "Why are dogs and hogs regarded unclean (najis)?" "Why is an animal slaughtered in a…
What is the Philosophy of Bathing the Dead Body?
What is the Philosophy of Bathing the Dead Body?
What is the Philosophy of Bathing the Dead Body? Question: What is the philosophy behind bathing the dead body and the bath for one who has touched the dead body? What is the reason that…
Simultaneous Performance of Salat
Simultaneous performance of Salat
Simultaneous performance of Salat: The disbelievers are quoted in the Holy Quran as saying: Nay! They say: We found our fathers on a course, and surely we are guided by their footsteps. (44:22)
Both the…
Temporary Marriage in Islamic Law Chapter 3
Temporary Marriage in Islamic Law Chapter 3
The Statutes Of Mut’a
Conditions In The Contract
IT is permissible for one or more conditions to be mentioned in the contract of mut’a, so long as they are legitimate. A condition must be…
Diversity In The Topics of Fiqh Chapter 6
Diversity In The Topics of Fiqh Chapter 6
(Unilateral Pronouncement)
Muhaqqiq divided these into eleven Chapters. In IQ’AA pronouncing a formula is necessary, but it does not have two sides. It is done unilaterally.
Chapter One…
Salat is the pillar of faith
Salat is the pillar of faith
Salat is the pillar of faith: The precepts and teachings of Islam are divided into three parts: beliefs, ethics, and commandments. After knowing Allah, we must perform actions such as reciting salat and…
Why Hijab?
Why Hijab?
Why Hijab? One of the many questions that I have been asked is why does Islam make hijab mandatory for women? Islam has introduced hijab as part of the decency and modesty in interaction between members of the opposite sex.…