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The Philosophies of Islamic Ruling
Philosophy Behind Some of the Prohibited Acts of Islam
What is the philosophy behind the prohibition of gambling?
It is very rare to find someone who is not acquainted with the various harms of gambling, and in order to further explain this fact, we present here, briefly, some of its evil…
What is the philosophy behind Wudu and Ghusl?
Undoubtedly, Wudu possesses two manifest benefits - the medical benefit and the ethical and spiritual one. From the medical point of view, washing of the face and hands five times a day or at the very least, three times a day, has an…
What is the philosophy of prayers?
Since prayers remind man of two of the most powerful deterrents - the Origin and the Resurrection - it thus possesses a deterring influence with regards to indecency and evil.
A person, who stands up for prayers, recites Allahu Akbar and…
What is the philosophy of fasting?
There are various aspects associated with fasts and they also possess numerous physical and spiritual benefits. These tend to have a great impact upon man - the most important of them being their ethical aspect and their educative…
What is the secret and philosophy of Hajj?
The most important philosophy of Hajj is the ethical transformation which it induces within man. The ritual of \'ihram\' entirely removes man from material ostentations, external distinctions, extravagant clothing and ornaments. By…
To whom belongs the right to legislate?
Consider the thinking element within the human being and the relatively high degree of intellectual power it has gradually come to attain since the beginning of the human being\'s existence on earth. Examine, too, his capacities and his…