Hadiths on Dua

There are many hadiths which recommend Dua but here we bring only a few examples: Hanan Ibn Sodair says: I asked Imam Baqer (A.S.) which prayer is more virtuous? The Imam said: “Nothing is more praiseworthy to God than a…

Virtue of Knowledge and the Duty of Scholars

Duty of Scholars The author of the book “Montahi al-Yawaqit” has quoted Imam Reza, Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Holy Prophet (SAW) as saying: “Pursuit of knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim, man or woman.” * * *…

Shiism in the Course of History

Scholars and researchers have expressed different views concerning the birth of Shi'ism and its first appearance. Others too have attempted to evaluate it, approaching it from the point of view of their respective ideological and…

Characteristics of the Shias of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S)

Imam Ali (A.S.): Our Shi'as are generous to one another within the intimacy towards us. They love each other in the light of attachment to us, and rush to visit each other in order to perpetuate our memory; they are the ones who, when…

The Shi\’ite Islam PART I

This article, which we have called Shi\'ite Islam, seeks to clarify the true identity of Shi\'ism which is one of the two major branches of Islam - the other being Sunnism. It deals in particular with the way Shi\'ism originated and…

The Title Al-Qaim (The Riser)

QUESTION: As everyone knows, one of the titles of the Mahdi (may Allah hasten his return) is “Al-Qa’im” (The Riser). A tradition has been related regarding the reason for his being given this title that requires…

The Holy Quran and The Bible

The Muslims and non-Muslims consider the Qur'an and the Bible to be their respective books of guidance without realizing the vast differences between the two. Firstly, the Bible is a scripture and many Muslims erroneously consider the…

Non-Muslims, Read This

Did you ever ask yourself the question: "Why am I not a Muslim?" Probably not. But please consider it for a few moments. Many will say that they are not Muslims because they were not raised that way. They were raised as Jews, or…

How to Give Alms

Whenever Imam Zeinul Abideen (A.S.) gave alms, he would kiss his own hands. When they asked him the reason, he said: “Before alms is put in the hand of needy man, it is placed in God’s hand.” Imam Ali (A.S.) has said:…

Humbleness and Forgiveness of the Ahl al-Bayt(A.S.)

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.): An angel came down to me who had neither descended on any prophet before me nor will descend on anyone after me. He was the Israfil and was accompanied by Jibrail. He said: Peace be upon you o Muhammad…