Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (A.S.) Commandments

It is related that Imam As-Sadiq(A.S.) said: O Abdullah, the Shaitan has arranged his traps in this deceitful world to target our disciples only, but the world to come is too great in their eyes to seek a substitute for it. Oh, for hearts…

Role of Women in the Government of Imam Mahdi A.S

Question: Why wasn’t Imam al-Zaman’s birth postponed to the era of his re-emergence (zuhur)? Brief Answer The answer to this question can be clarified by expounding the underlying philosophy of the occultation…

The Meaning of History: An Islamic Perspective

"Why we have to pray five times a day? Why dogs and hogs are regarded unclean (najis)? Why an animal slaughtered in a non-Islamic way is forbidden (haram) and unclean?" These are but a few of the many questions asked by our…

Imam Ali’s (a) Approach towards the Khawarij

Imam Ali acted towards the Khawarij with the utmost degree of liberality and democracy. He was the caliph and they were his subjects; every kind of punitive action was within his power, but he did not put them into prison, neither did he…