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Community that will cry over Imam Hussain (AS)

رأيت في بعض تأليفات بعض الثقات من المعاصرين : روي أنه لما أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ابنته فاطمة بقتل ولدها الحسين وما يجري عليه من المحن بكت فاطمة بكاء شديدا ، وقالت : يا أبت متى يكون ذلك ؟ قال : في زمان خال مني ومنك ومن علي ، فاشتد…

Demystifying Women of Karbala

by Dr Khairunnisa Aga*- The Pilgrims of Karbala are privileged to fit Ashura of their imagination in actual Karbala, including the representative symbols of that momentous day in history. When I visited Karbala, I also tried to bring to…

Biden arrives in Saudi Arabia

US President Joe Biden was greeted with a fist bump by the crown prince, also known as MBS, as he arrived at the royal palace in Jeddah on Friday. The trip is designed to reset the US relationship with Riyadh and during which energy…