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Ayatollah Sobhani

Don’t Neglect your Brother

Al Imam Zain Al Abedeen says (a.s) says:” The right of the companion (sahib) is that you act as his companion with bounty and in fairness. You honor him as he honors you and you do not let him be the first to act with generosity. If he is…

Shia Islam: Imam al-Hādī /30

Shia Islam: Imam al-Hādī /30 Shia Islam: Imam al-Hādī /30 Imam al-Hādī Imam ʿAlī al-Naqi, the tenth Shīʿa Imam, was born in 827 AD (Mufīd, Irshād; Kashf al-Ghamma) and died in 868 AD. His teknonym was Abū al-Ḥasan, and his…