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Forty Types of Fast

Forty Types of Fast Forty Types of Fast: we decided to expand this discussion and quote for you from "Bab al-Sawm," chapter dealing with fast, on pp. 52-54, Vol. 2, of Man la Yahduruhu al-Faqih by the nation’s mentor Shaikh Abu Ja’far…

The Legitimacy of temporary marriage

The Legitimacy of temporary marriage The Legitimacy of temporary marriage: The ulama, both Sunni and Shi’i, agree that mut’a was permitted at the beginning of Islam. However, they disagree as to the reasons it was permitted. The Shi’i…

Ijtihad and Taqlid

Ijtihad and Taqlid Ijtihad and Taqlid: Lexically, Ijtihad means effort for getting something. Ibn Al-Athir writes, in Al-Bidayah wa’l-Nihayah, “Ijtihad means making effort in search of something. This word is in the same conjugation with…

The Rules of Namaz

After knowing Allah, we must perform actions such as reciting salat and observing sawm which are the signs of the worship and obedience to Allah. Now, we would explain the precepts of salat which would be followed by the precepts of…

Rules Regarding Prayer, Fasting and Food

Question 17: What should a person do if urine, feces, or stomach gases are constantly released from his body, to such an extent that he cannot perform a prayer with wudū\' and also does not have the ability to perform wudū\' before every…

Rules related to covering

“O children of Adam! We have indeed sent down to you clothing to cover your shame, and (clothing) for beauty and clothing that guards (against evil), that is the best. This is of the communications of Allah that they may be…