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Early death

A companion of Imam Sadeq (AS) narrated: I went to seem Imam (AS) and without saying anything, Imam (AS) said: O’ Dawood, On Thursday when your deeds was presented to me, I saw that you carried out a good deed for your cousin. I became…

Respect Your mother

There was a young man, before he was a Muslim; he lived with his mother until he was about 18 years old. Then he moved out of his home and lived in a different place on his own. During those days, he met some Muslims and became very close…

When will Imam Mahdi (AJ) reappear?

Shia answers: When will Imam Mahdi (AJ) reappear? From the perspective of Shia and Sunni Muslims, Imam Mahdi (AJ) will reappear in the end of the world and will fully spread justice in the world. The principle of the Dhuhur/Zuhur…