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Life Between Prostrations

Life Between Prostrations Life Between Prostrations : At least 17 times a day, we perform a specific set of actions during our prayers: at least 34 times a day, we touch our foreheads to a small disc of clay. But what exactly is the point…

On the Necessities of Life

On the Necessities of Life On the Necessities of Life: According to natural motives and the sense of need, man seeks money and struggles with all his might against all problems and difficulties which may stand in his way to make more money…

How to Bear the Difficulties of Life?

How to Bear the Difficulties of Life? How to Bear the Difficulties of Life? Question: Please advise me how to bear the difficulties of life! I feel like I am about to perish. The answer: Imagining oneself as about to perish is in itself…

Elements of Kufr

Elements of Kufr Elements of Kufr: There are numerous Muslims but they have failed to follow the teachings of Islam because of their love for worldly delights and luxuries of life. These transient pleasures are the umbrella of shaitan. The…