Surah Aal-e-Imran: Commentary of the Quran (Chapter 3) By Mohammad Sobhanie




Commentary of the Quran (Chapter 3)

By: Mohammad Sobhanie

The 3rd Chapter of the Holy Qur’an

Surah Aal-e-Imran (Arabic: آل عمران)

Introduction to the 3rd Chapter: The content of the third chapter of the Qur’an implies that it was revealed in the second and third years of the Hijrah during the Battles of Badr and Uhud, some of the most turbulent periods of Muslim life in the early days of Islam.

Verse 13 makes a brief reference to the battle of Badr, and more detailed descriptions of the wars of Badr and Uhud are given mainly in verses 121-128, 139-144, and occasionally later verses. In general, the main points of the discussions of this surah are the following:

1- A good portion of the chapter discusses monotheism, the attributes of God, resurrection, and Islamic theology.

2- Another section talks about the importance of jihad, instructions for the battlefield, lessons learned in the two crucial Islamic expeditions of Badr and Uhud, descriptions of divine help for the believers, and the eternal life of martyrs in the path of God.

3- This surah also discusses the importance of Muslim unity and a series of Islamic laws about the house of the Kaaba and the duty of Hajj, enjoining good and forbidding evil, Tawli and Tabari (friendship with the friends of truth and enmity with the enemies of reality). Furthermore, the verse underscores the importance of the abandonment of lies, resistance and endurance against the enemy, patience in the face of divine trials and tribulations, and the constant remembrance of God.

4- The chapter also narrates a part of the history of the prophets, including Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, and other prophets (AS), in addition to the story of Maraym and her novel status.  The conspiracies of the rebellious followers of Prophet Musa (AS) and Isa (AS) against Islam are also mentioned. The contents of this surah are so related and harmonious that it implies they were revealed at once.

The Occasion of the Revelation of the Third Chapter:  Some commentators stated that the chapter’s 80 verses were revealed due to a meeting that a delegation of Christians from Najran had with the Prophet to learn more about Islam.

The delegation consisted of 60 people, 14 of whom were aristocrats and dignitaries of Najran. Three of these 14 were in a leadership position, and the Christians of that time deferred to them in their affairs and problems, one of whom was “Aqib” (عاقِب), who was also called “Abd Al-Masih” ( عبد المسیح).

Abd al-Masih was considered the leader of his nation, and his people never opposed his judgment or opinions. Another was named “Seyyed”(سید), also known as “Ayham”(اَیْهَم). He oversaw ceremonies and scheduling and was trusted by the Najran Christians. The third was called Abu Haritha (ابو حارثه), a man of knowledge and influence. Many churches were built in his name and he knew all the Christian religious books by memory.

This group of 60 people entered the Masjed of the Prophet (SAWA). They wore beautiful, glittering, and such remarkable clothes that one of the companions of the Prophet (SAWA) stated “We have never seen envoys of this beauty!” The Prophet (PBUH) had just offered the evening prayer with his companions.

When the Christians of Najran entered the Masjed, it was time for their prayers. According to their rituals, they rang the bell and stood to the east and prayed. A group of the companions of the Prophet (SAWA) wanted to stop them. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Leave them alone!”

After the prayer, “Aqib” and “Sayyid” came to the Prophet and began to talk to him. The Prophet (SAWA) suggested to them: “Enter the religion of Islam and surrender to God.” Aqib and Seyyed said, “We have accepted Islam before you and have surrendered to God!”

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “How are you on the religion of truth, though your deeds show that you are not submissive to Allah (SWT). You believe that God has got a son and Isa (AS) is the son of God. You worship the cross and eat pork, even though all this is against the religion of truth?”

Aqib and Sayyid asked if Jesus was not the son of God, then who was his father? The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Do you agree that every son resembles his father?” They responded yes.

The Prophet (PBUH) asked, “Is it not that our God encompasses everything and is the guardian and the sustenance of the creatures with him”? They responded, yes, it is so.

The Prophet (PBUH) asked, “Did Isa (AS) have these attributes?” They said no.

He asked, “Do you know that nothing in the heavens and the earth is hidden from God, and God knows all of them?” They said yes, we know.

He asked, “Did Jesus know anything about himself other than what God had taught him?” They said no.

He asked, “Do you know that our God is the One who made Isa in his mother’s womb as God willed?” They said it is so.

He said, “Is it not the case that Isa was carried in the womb by his mother like other children, and then, like other mothers, gave birth to him? And Isa, after birth, ate like how other children eat?” They said, yes, it was.

He asked, “So, how is Isa the son of God, though he bears no resemblance to his Father?”

They all fell silent. At this time, 80 verses from the chapter’s beginning were revealed to then explain the teachings and plans of Islam[1].

The Virtue of Reciting Surah Aal-i-Imran[2]: In a hadith from the Holy Prophet (PBUH), we read:

مَنْ قَرَأَ سُورَةَ آلِ عِمْرانَ أُعْطِىَ بِکُلِّ آیَة مِنْها أَماناً عَلى جِسْرِ جَهَنَّمَ

Whoever recites Surah Al-e-Imran according to the number of its verses, they will give him safety on the bridge of Hell.

In a tradition from Imam Sadeq (AS), we read:

مَنْ قَرَأَ الْبَقَرَةَ وَ آلَ عِمْرانَ جائا یَوْمَ الْقِیامَةِ یُظِلاّنِهِ عَلى رَأْسِهِ مِثْلَ الْغَمامَتَیْنِ

Whoever recites Surah Al-Baqarah and Aal-e-Imran, they will be overshadowed by two clouds on the Day of Judgment.


[1] Tafseer-e-Namoona, Vol.2, P.412

[2] Tafseer-e-Namoona, Vol.2, P.408


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