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Islamic Teachings

When Will the Gates of Hell Open?

Happiness and misery have different ranks. Neither everyone who is in Heaven nor everyone who is in Hell have the same rank. The Hell has seven doors, each taking the newcomer to a different place. The more sever one’s sins, the lower the…

The Captivity Journey

A person may ask:” Does crying for the dead contradict patience? Is it a symbol of grief that contradicts faith and believing in God? God almighty has existed the behavior of crying, not over crying, as a gift for His servants to calm…

How does Prayer affect us?

A prayer makes a man’s life issues valuable because it revives the soul of morals. It is composed of a group of sincere instinct, pure saying and flawless deeds. Repeating this combination daily, day and night, plants the…

Philosophy of Hajj

One of the twelve Furu’ad-Din (ancillaries of the religion) or in other words the practical principles of Islam is acts of Hajj. Although these acts existed before Islam and during the time of Prophet Abraham (AS) and even since the time of…