Christian Scholar: Farewell Sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a declaration of human rights

Farewell Sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a declaration of human rights , said Dr. Craig Considine, a Christian Scholar.

“Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Sermon is not just a speech outlining Islamic values. It is a declaration of human rights. He stressed:  racial equality, women’s rights , sacredness of life , justice for all , the Golden Rule. Important values for our time & for eternity”, Considine wrote in his Twitter account. 

Dr. Craig Considine is a Catholic American and native of Massachusetts. He is a scholar, global speaker, media contributor, & public intellectual at Rice University. As a sociologist, he focuses on religion, Islam, Christianity, interfaith, race and ethnicity, identity as well as comparative research and ethnography. He is the Author of many books and articles on Christian-Muslim relations.


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